Gutenberg Reloaded (publisher)

Gutenberg Reloaded
Your Publishing Solutions For The 21st Century

Gutenberg reloaded

"eBooks are the business cards of the 21st century"

I'm not sure who coined that phrase, but I'm claiming it as it is 100% true.


How do I know? I know because my own eBook started what you see here today. Here's my story:


About 4 years ago, my twin sons Alex and Drew (who were 4 at the time) thought up an imaginary character named Jubby Jubby Jow Jow, who was a 9 foot tall red and blue circle. I am not making this up.


They regaled my wife Amy and I with stories of Jubby and his adventures, and about 2 years ago, I thought it would be a clever idea and a fun weekend project to write down their stories, have them make some drawings, and publish the book on Kindle:


Fast forward about a year and I hit my second landmark: publishing my own book on Amazon, "Free Time: Hire A Virtual Assistant & Liberate Your Life". I gave the book away to as many people as I could, and then it happened. Someone read my book and was sold--sold on the fact that they too could liberate their own lives with a virtual assistant, and they purchased my $397 Virtual Assistant Locator Service.



I was AMAZED. A relatively short eBook and a $10 cover had netted me a $397 sale. 


This eBook publishing thing was the real deal!


That brings us to today, where I've now published eBooks on Amazon and assembled a team of the absolute best writers I could find, exceptionally talented layout designers and cover artists, and voice talent that can record your book into an audiobook with great quality and affordable rates.


I KNOW that eBooks are the future and Gutenberg Reloaded stands as a testament to that fact. Step into the 21st century and let us help you make your book a reality, starting NOW.

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