Grace Grose (author)

The Wordsmithing and More Shoppe LLC
Curious explorer of the Quantum world, lover of hopeful apocalyptic sci-fi books and a grammar geek par excellance.

Grace grose

Grace S. Grose began learning to read at four years of age and writing shortly thereafter. Granted, the writing involved large block letters, some of which were occasionally backward, but the satisfaction of putting pen to paper only increased with time.

Writing throughout her college career played a large part in her becoming Woman of the Year at her graduation from Colorado Christian College, and helped her along in her jobs as a business manager for a small oilfield corporation and a purchaser for a hotel renovation firm. Her life-long love of science fiction wove its way through all aspects of her life, fueling her interest in astronomy, space constructs, and quantum physics.

After moving to Northwestern British Columbia in 2017, she had an opportunity to hone her writing skills by joining a regional writers' group. Every meeting had an assigned word that would have a story created around it and read at the next meeting. One fateful night, the word "Spacewalker" was assigned.  This led into the inspiration for the Quantum Spacewalker series. The first book in the series, Quantum Spacewalker: Jarl's Journey, was one of the Top 10 books in the Science Fiction category of the Author Acadamy Elite Awards of 2020.

Following people’s journeys from “ordinary” to “extraordinary” and breaking down the steps along those paths fascinates her. She is convinced that there are no regular human beings, only ones with the seeds of greatness ready to sprout if they take the first step on the path to “extraordinary” and keep going.

Part of this journey in her life is to see her books translated into 8 languages - German, Spanish, Punjabi, Japanese, French, Russian, Portugese, and Indonesian.

The world and universe is full of beauty and wonder. Grace believes we can find it, and the One who created it, if we search for it with all our hearts. She looks forward to working with others who also look forward to finding these things.

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An improbable heroine with an impossible task and a Universe in the balance...
An unlikely hero with an unheard of mission and a world in the balance...
A reluctant traveler engaging a relentless enemy with Eternity in the balance...
