Edwin Fortuna (author)

Fortuna Paper
My name is Edwin A. Fortuna. I am a retired Firefighter/ Paramedic that works now full time writing my books and working in digital arts.

Edwin fortuna

After over 20 years working for the fire department saving lifes and helping others i decided to retire and dedicate some time for my other pasion, writing!

I started with my first fiction novel "El Ultimo Asiento" and now have another fiction novel on the works and 10 childrens books in the process of formating in digital files for publishing. All my books are in spanish that is my first language because i feel i can better express all the emotions and feelings to all the pages and transport the reader deep in the story.

I life in the State of Florida and, with your help, translate all my books to all different languages and with some luck will be able to sell them by the thousands all over the world.

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Diego, ahogado por las presiones sociales va creando un teatro, un teatro el cual cada asiento va siendo ocupado por diferentes demonios, demonios que representan los odios, rencores, calumnias, celos, traumas y frustraciones que van llenando ese teatro d
