Ed Ramirez (author)

Independent amateur writer

Ed ramirez

Independent writer. He writes to not-love, the loneliness, darkness, to the death and tries to mask them with romanticism, a little taste of poetry, and, in sometimes, with brush strokes of SciFi and even humor and dark comedy

He had written the trilogy "The Red Building. Three terror stories: The Reacon Family, The Psycho-surgeon and The Tauren Family", in spanish (native language) and english, and looking a serious editorial to publish it. Also, working with the second part from "Pandemic Hospital" ("Hospital pandemia", its original title) with ilustrations. The first part of "Pandemic Hospital" is available on https://www.wattpad.com/story/213079840-hospital-pandemia (in spanish).


For other works please visit: https://www.amazon.com.mx/mujer-que-cav%25C3%25B3-una-tumba-ebook/dp/B083JX9QMZ&ved=2ahUKEwinwO_l5YrsAhUCKqwKHcZ4DU4QFjABegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw01tVEW_LyjBdMlZLEx0nZK https://www.amazon.com.mx/Breves-relatos-extra%25C3%25B1os-contados-p%25C3%25A1gina-ebook/dp/B08274F2YR&ved=2ahUKEwinwO_l5YrsAhUCKqwKHcZ4DU4QFjACegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1KW5Ji-WxnX9S1KwWnnX9w https://www.amazon.com.mx/amores-inexistentes-Ed-Ram%25C3%25ADrez/dp/1713431122&ved=2ahUKEwinwO_l5YrsAhUCKqwKHcZ4DU4QFjAAegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw00265fzY27piXpC_5NLH6M


Contains histories from failed loves, triumphants, fatals, and, in any case: absent loves
A reporter has to achieve an interview with, which it is said is, the best psychiatrist in the city
Histories covering a few genders, mainly suspense and terror
Sarajevo, 2014: Anarishkova, a russian spy, would dig a grave after has involved with at least two intelligence agencies one from the USA and the other one from Germany
