Dennis Bailey (author)

Suspense-filled, Action-packed Adventures with a Touch of the Divine

Dennis bailey

Dennis Bailey is a retired police detective who turned in his gun and badge for a monitor and keyboard. He is an ardent student of the Bible who felt the calling of God on his heart to take that learning and use it to further His glory. He is also a big fan of the Old Testament era, a time when God intervened directly, and often dramatically, in the affairs of man. His favorite of these was Noah’s Ark, and he dreamed of one day telling a story about how the animals rose up to defend it against an invading army.

Thus was the genesis of the idea for his first novel, Army of God. It is an effort to bring to life the characters of Noah’s time in a suspense-filled, action-packed adventure while maintaining full fidelity to the Scriptures.

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When a rival sends an army to destroy Noah's Ark, the great patriarch has an army of his own to meet them.
