Christine Padovan (author)

Paladina International
How My Own Poisoning Revealed the Truth About the Covid Shots

Christine padovan

Christine Padovan is a Renaissance woman ‒ a blend of both science and spiritual gifts. Her discovery of a group of people slow poisoning her and others with heavy metal toxins hidden by nanotechnology has led to her creation of and in educating the world on this new way of creating artificial illnesses and early death in people, and changing the medical and law enforcement fields in thoroughly testing victims and clients with forensic style tests that uncover all hidden toxic elements in the body, so the individual can be properly treated through safe, natural detoxification methods.

Because of the latest forensic testing in Germany revealing heavy metals in at least 3 top pharamceutical Covid shot formulas, Christine has published an ebook and paperback in English on the importance of proper forensic testing to reveal toxicity (all Covid shots have nano technology) and in safe detoxification from the toxins inside the Covid shots:

Currently, the ebook is ranked:

#3 in Pharmacology Toxicology
#3 in Preventive Medicine (Kindle Store)
#5 in Science Education

Her company, Paladina International is building a worldwide education presence to teach all countries on the importance of uncovering the source of, protecting from and detoxifying toxicity in all forms - emotional, mental, physical and spiritual - to restore all life to optimal health.

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How I uncovered the problem with the Covid shots based on my own poisoning.
