C.J. Pearson (author)

Author of the Cordysian Chronicles fantasy series and the New Adventures of Lorewyn & Company.

C.j. pearson

I'm a California native and resident and have been a Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan for most of my life. Some of my characters from the Cordysian Chronicles were inspired a long time ago from playing Dungeons & Dragons as a teenager and later writing fan-fiction centered around the Lexx universe. Other influences, such as the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and films like the Star Wars saga, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth can be clearly seen in my novels as well. I'm a devoted activist and social justice warrior, and strong elements of satire and political commentary play an important role in my writing. I'm a former ordained minister and graduate of a Christian university, so aspects of faith and spirituality are equally felt in the plot, characters, and themes of my work. I'm a high school English teacher by profession, and when I'm not working with students or writing, I can be found engaged in a variety of community events and forms of service, especially those that promote and encourage the arts, and advocate for progressive social ideals.

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The third book in the New Adventures of Lorewyn & Company series
The fifth book in the Cordysian Chronicles series.
The first book in the New Adventures of Lorewyn & Company series.
The second book in the New Adventures of Lorewyn & Company series.
The fourth book in the New Adventures of Lorewyn & Company series
The second book in the Cordysian Chronicles series.
The first book in the Cordysian Chronicles series.
