Beatriz Manrique (author)

Beatriz Manrique
I am a University Professor intersted in sharing my knowledge with other teachers and students. I write mostly in Spanish and I want my book translated into English.

Beatriz manrique

Beatriz Ma. Manrique Urdaneta is currently a Zulia University Professor in the Departament of Modern Languages. She was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela im 1949, and pursued studies in Teaching Language Educa­tion at Zulia University, (LUZ) and graduated in 1976.  That same year, she began working at the same university and  in 1979,  she  was granted a scholarship to  go  to  England  where  she finished a Diploma in  "English Studies  and  Linguistics" at the Institute of Languages of Lancaster  University. Her dissertation was based on designing   a teaching program to develop writing in a foreign lan­guage.  In 1986, she finished an M.A.  in  Applied  Linguistics; her thesis "Correlations between (s) and  (r)  in  "El  Saladillo", Maracaibo, was the beginning of  other  several  related researches. Translation was always in her mind so, in 1988, she enrolled the “Monterey Institute of International Studies” in   California, USA to obtain an M.A. in Terminology.   Developing this aspect of language did not divert her from teaching, her   first area of interest, but added a new facet to her career and it also meant a greater compromise with her employer, Zulia University. Nowadays she interprets and translates for the Department of Modern Languages in that University. In July 2012, she completed and approved with honors her doctoral research on the topic "Evaluation of a Cognitive Model for Organizing Writing Activities  in the Classroom under a Multiple  Inte­lligence  Approach  and Triune Brain". She has published different articles as well as designed and offered many seminars and workshops in the area of  language teaching and brain. Since 2000, she has been applying her knowledge on triune brain to first language teaching as a member of the project TEXTUS, and designing materials for teaching reading and writing (in Spanish)  for first year university students. The team of the TEXTUS project has participated in more than 10 international teaching meetings and published over 20 articles in the area. In 2002, she published four stories in a book entitled Los Cuentos de Aspasia, aiming to introduce young readers to the theory of multiple intelligences and triune brain. In 2010, she produced a digital book on using and developing the visual and spatial intelligence in the classroom: Imaginar y Aprender: del impulso de las imágenes al fortalecimiento de la creatividad.  In 2016, She adapted her doctoral thesis and published it under the name of Neurociencias en el aula. Desarrollo de la inteligencia espacial-visual. 

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El objetivo central del texto es facilitar el acceso a la información sobre neurociencia y cómo utilizarla en aula, principalmente, a través del desarrollo de la inteligencia espacial visual propuesta tanto por Gardner como por Beauport, dos teóricos de l
