Annie Wood (author)

Good Vibes by Annie Wood

Annie wood


I’m an L.A. native, neurodiverse writer, poet, filmmaker, actor, artist and twice-a-day meditator. (I credit that last bit for my ability to finish anything.) 

I write plays, poetry, prose, make art and perform as an ongoing conversation with myself. It’s how I love the world. 

My writing and art have been published in various publications, including The Huffington Post, Tiny Buddha, Radar Poetry, El Portal Literary Journal, Beyond Words, Smith & Kraus & Speaking Volumes.  My poetry film, “Dad’s Frenemy,” was an official selection and winner in the Poetry Film Festival, and my poetry film, “Are You a Star Yet?” won Best Super Short Film in the Hollywood Gold Awards. My play, “Complicated Heroes,” won the Fritz Blitz Best New California Playwright competition and was performed at the Lyceum Theatre in San Diego.

I am in perpetual motion, 

learning to rest. 


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A short novel about love, friendship and grown ups (sort of) growing up (sort of).
"Just a Girl in the Whirl 
is a well-crafted and resonant novel about an overburdened teenage girl’s journey toward self-realization." -Kirkus Reviews
A lonley man travels to a parallel universe and has an ideal life there.
