Ana Builes (author)

Ana builes

Ana Builes bursts into the Hispanic literary scene of the United States in 2015 with her book of poems "Punto Infrarojo", which had an excellent reception and motivated her to return the next year with another poetry book "Huecos del Tiempo", where she reaffirmed herself as a poet of life, moving between esotericism and spirituality, giving to the holistic the place it deserves in contemporary society. That same year she surprised by entering the narrative genre with her book "Regreso del Infierno", a shocking novel where she played the controversial theme of the guerrillas in Colombia. In 2017, Builes returned to poetry with his impressive "Bola de Fuego en Movimiento". "The 60!" Is his fifth publication in four years, a real streap-tease of a woman who has discovered that at the sixties begins the second youth. Based on her personal experience, Ana Builes delivers a book as a testimony of the time she has lived and of the life she has assumed as an extraordinary experience. After her sixties, Ana Builes has become a black belt third dan of karate, writer, universal traveler and inveterate lover of human nature.

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Manual para vivir mejor después de los 60 años; la segunda juventud
