Weight loss: Your Guide to Weight Loss and Healthy Living by Connor Grant

(26) Your Guide to Weight Loss and Healthy Living

Weight loss: your guide to weight loss and healthy living


This easy to follow guide enables readers to understand the foods they need to include, and the one’s they need to avoid, for this modernized diet programme. It has also been beneficial in incorporating weight loss as the fundamental purpose. All of the ‘must have’ foods are included inside these pages, as well as 38 amazing recipes that can be used on a daily basis to help you along the way. 

A quick and easy start to the Ketogenic lifestyle. Understand what it is, how it benefits you.
A complete list of what foods to get and what to avoid.
All the essential tools to get your kitchen setup, having everything in place will save you time in meal preparation.
How to adapt the Ketogenic Diet to your exercise goals. So, you hit your fitness goals whilst on the Ketogenic Diet.
What you should consider when eating out, visiting friends and family. Be at ease at any event or setting


If you are a corporate worker or just a busy guy, and you are trying to figuring out how to definitely combine all your commitments with a proven diet, made easy for rapid weight loss, and healthy lifestyle, then this is the bundle books you have been waiting for!

What are you waiting for? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the buy now button to begin the journey to the life of your dreams!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 2291

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Finding the foods in simpler and more variety and freshness though still maintaining some of the favorite ingredients helps the body accept the new food intake with less of a shock to the system both body and mind.

Making these changes over a period of time is also necessary if the effort is to remain continuous. Substituting certain unhealthy ingredients with healthier one while still maintain the general recipe is also recommended.

Totally avoiding unhealthy foods is of course ideal but really quite an unrealistic pressure as it causes the individual to feel deprived and stressed, therefore a better alternative would be to wean themselves slowly off the item instead.

Learning to eat in smaller portions also helps the individual start the journey towards healthy eating. For some cutting out certain foods may be such a difficult effort that the next best solution would be to try and cut down the portions. Also developing the habit of avoiding heavier meals towards the end of a day is also wise.

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