Weight Loss: The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Meal Cookbook by Tamara Soule

(138) The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Meal Cookbook

Weight loss: the ultimate guide to weight loss meal cookbook


This personal growth diet companion encourages dieters--no matter what diet plan they are on--to stick to it by giving them the tools to address the issues behind their eating habits and to make the right choices.

This book breaks down the simple truth about why diets are not the solution to permanent weight lose and why you do not need to complicate things by sticking to certain diets that restrict you from your favorite foods in order to achieve your weight goals.

For some, losing weight or staying trim is more difficult than it ought to be and one of the dominant reasons that we, especially women find it difficult in losing those pounds is due to the fact that, we simply don’t keep our energy levels up. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 16750

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


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Sample text:

Protein deficiency in your diet can lead to a number of health problems such as gallstones, heart problems, arthritis, organ failure, muscle deterioration and it can be something as bad as death. Be mindful of the amount of protein you eat each day.


We are talking about bringing up the quantity of protein you consume daily to a satisfying amount, while at the same time dropping the amount of carbs to the minimum there can be. 



Rightly put, this is about eating the right quantity of the right foods at the right time. When this is done correctly, you are able to put your body into a proper fat burning mode. 



You have known that the primary nutrients humans consume are protein, carbohydrates and fat. What you may not have is the full  understanding of the role of each of these primary nutrients in our body and how they contribute to either gaining or losing weight.



The foundation of our bodys' cells, tissues and organs are proteins. They are exceedingly essential to our muscles, skin, hair, organs and hormones. While the human body can survive without eating more carbohydrates and fat for extended periods, deficiency of protein in your diet can cause depletion of your muscle tissues and organs, and this will eventually lead to death if not checked. Having known the irreplaceable importance of proteins in our body, it's a surprise how some people chose to be getting most of their calories from high-carbohydrate diets. 



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Gloria Estefanía Mena

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