Weight Loss: The Ultimate Guide on How to Lose Weight by Eileen Jackson

(139) The Ultimate Guide on How to Lose Weight

Weight loss: the ultimate guide on how to lose weight


A new lose-weight program that lets you lose weight by eating delish, nutritious Knick Knacks. Sounds awesome? Yeah! Ketogenic Diet is becoming very popular because of its health benefits. Not only can it prevent physical illnesses, but can also help you lose weight. 

You will also learn the history of why dietary fat has been labelled as the worst thing one can eat, and how recent research is showing that eating fat is actually good for you. You will also learn some exercise tips that will speed up your results, foods and recipes that you can stock up your pantry with while getting rid of harmful foods so that you will be losing weight and getting in the shape of your life in no time.

What are you waiting for? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the buy now button to begin the journey to the life of your dreams!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 8865

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Sample text:

The WHO states that “the fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended.” However, lowering calorie intake and increasing energy expenditure is easier said than done, and most fat-loss programs are experimental and lack validation through scientific research.1 2

Diets to promote fat loss are generally divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie. Research has found that none of these common fat-loss diets helps a person lose fat in the long run.3  

Long-term studies indicate that the majority of people who lose fat by dieting end up regaining all the fat they lost regardless of whether they maintained their diet or exercise programs.4 After two years of dieting, up to two-thirds of dieters are even heavier than they were prior to beginning their regimens. Therefore, the American Psychological Association has concluded that diets do not lead to sustained fat loss or health benefits for the majority of people. 

Some claim that there is no point in trying to eliminate fat because it’s genetic or some simply come to understand that diets don’t work. While there are some rare genetic conditions that cause obesity, and while most diets don’t work, there is no reason why most people cannot lose fat with the proper knowledge

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