Weight loss: The Most Effective and Delicious Weight Loss Recipes by Lynda Fleming

(25) The Most Effective and Delicious Weight Loss Recipes

Weight loss: the most effective and delicious weight loss recipes


The first step to succeeding on any diet plan is to take it seriously and make the commitment as soon as possible. If you battle back and forth within yourself when it comes to following your diet, you will have tumultuous results. On the other hand, if you firmly agree to stick to your diet plan, you will see solid weight loss results over time.

Know more about the Ketogenic Diet and everything you should know for rapid weight loss with the use of this book. More and more people who would love to lose weight must understand the right way to go about with their diet. 

You can also experience the same results I did through this practical guide, where I cover every detail for you to apply this diet without causing any harm to your health – obviously, the opposite happens!

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5183

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Sample text:

1. Vanilla Quinoa and Roasted Blueberry Breakfast Bowl

Our sound oat offers all that you require, from protein to complex crabs, to begin your three day weekend right—and for 220 calories.

2. Breakfast Yogurt Parfait

Whether you eat this at home or on the go, this formula conveys protein and natural product in a breakfast that is under 190 calories.



3. Avocado Breakfast Pizza

This weight reduction formulas is anything but difficult to make. It has only 252 calories for every serving, and it's pressed with superfoods like egg and avocado.

4. Sweet Potato Pancakes

These high-protein flapjacks are a keen approach to fill your stomach, so you're more averse to thoughtlessly eat later in the morning. The formula gives you apples, nectar, and genuine maple syrup in a breakfast that is under 160 calories.

5. Moderate Cooker Almond Blast Oatmeal

With steel-cut oats, this is one of those formulas for weight reduction that will top you off in all the right ways. It conveys an itty-bitty 129 calories in every serving!

6. Moderate Cooker French Toast Casserole

French toast for weight reduction? Yes! This formula conveys the taste you need—without the blame. It has under 230 calories.

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