Weight loss: Proven Strategies to Help Beginners Weight Loss by Davis Dawson

(14) Proven Strategies to Help Beginners Weight Loss

Weight loss: proven strategies to help beginners weight loss


This Slow Cooker cookbook  is designed to aid families that want to eat a healthy meal without having to take several hours out of their day to cook it. The Cookbook offers recipes on traditional favorites from Slow cCoked Chicken to Slow Cooked pork and beef.

You will find many tips and methods of how to have a successful keto diet. Meantime the author has chosen 55 delicious and easy Keto Diet recipes, which all are well-chosen and experienced by author. With these tips and recipes, you will get into your optimum Ketosis level soon and get all of the benefits form Keto Diet

Recipes is your jam-packed guide to aid and boost your overall health and aid your immune system functioning, so it can remain well, all the time. Full of mouth-watering recipes, 50 Juicing Recipes shows you how and why juicing is the only path to a healthy, nutritionally-backed, balanced lifestyle. Utilizing a vital, purpose-driven nutrition.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 10137

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Sample text:

.      Heat large pan over medium-high heat and coat with coconut oil.

2.      For Garlic Aioli, peel garlic and add to food processor or blender with egg yolk, juice of 1/2 lemon, salt and pepper. Process until smooth, scraping down sides of vessel.

3.      While processor or blender is running, very slowly drizzle in enough coconut oil to create thick mayo-like mixture. Drizzle in flavorful oil as well will processor runs (optional). If mixture is runny, drizzle in more coconut oil while processor runs until thickened. Pour into serving dish and refrigerate.

4.      Slice chicken into half width-wise, creating twice the fillets. Try to slice at thickest portion to keep all fillets equal thickness.

5.      Slice chicken fillets into long, 1/2 inch wide strips. Place strips between two paper towels and press to absorb excess moisture.

6.      In a shallow dish, blend almond meal, flax or chia meal, spices and salt. 

7.      Beat egg in small mixing bowl. Toss chicken strips in beaten egg to lightly coat, then dredge in seasoned almond meal.

8.      Carefully place coated chicken strips into hot oil and fry about 2 -  3minutes, until golden brown and cooked through. Turn with tongs half way through cooking.

9.      Drain cooked chicken on paper towel, then transfer to serving dish.

10.  Serve hot with Garlic Aioli.

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