Weight loss: How to Prepare and Recipes for Weight Loss and Fat Loss by Martina Emmerich

(18) How to Prepare and Recipes for Weight Loss and Fat Loss

Weight loss: how to prepare and recipes for weight loss and fat loss


If you are one of the folks who have heard of or are already trying out the keto diet but are struggling to cope with having to spend 1 or more hours preparing ketogenic meals, then you simply have got to read on!

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to lose weight while on the ketogenic diet.
Everyone’s ideal diet is a diet that actually works; a diet that helps you burn body fat and keep you fit, a diet that actually helps you lose that stubborn fat and excess weight. 

Thousands all over the world have attested to the effectiveness of this diet, but with the rise in popularity of the ketogenic lifestyle, the entire health and fitness industry has become flooded with misinformation and charlatans looking to make a quick buck by overpromising and underdelivering.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 1818

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Sample text:

Chronic inflammation has been tagged as one of the root causes of severe illnesses including most cancers and heart attack. Inflammation is a natural reaction of the body when it needs to heal an infection or injury. However, when inflammation occurs for no particular reason, it destroys the body and eventually causes illness.

Chronic inflammation is caused by excessive exposure to toxins, stress, genetic predisposition, lack of exercise, and unhealthy diet. Since diet plays a big role in containing this condition, it is important to learn how to choose the right food to reduce the risk of diseases especially in the long-term.

The Anti-Inflammatory diet is not intended to help the person lose weight or to follow a strict diet plan. It is more of a guide to choose the right foods so the body stays in its optimal state. Aside from preventing inflammation, this diet also provides vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals, and other nutrients for steady energy.

General Tips for Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Try different varieties of food each meal.
Incorporate as much fresh foods into each meal.
Minimize consumption of fast food and processed food.
Eat vegetables and fruits every day.
Consume between 2,000 to 3,000 calories each day. If you are less active, you will need lesser calories.

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