Weight loss: A Beginner's Guide with and Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss by Sydney Polska

(4) A Beginner's Guide with and Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss

Weight loss:  a beginner's guide with and healthy recipes for weight loss


The problem is, there are many issues with dieting programs that you find on the internet or in bookstores. Firstly, these regiments only account for a few weeks or months’ worth of meals. This means that after going through the entire meal plan and grocery list three or four times, you are left having to make the same boring recipes again and again in order to keep off the weight you just lost.

Eating dessert is part of the program because to achieve permanent weight loss, it’s important not to restrict yourself. Restrictive diets that ban desserts or delicious treats are likely to fail because at some point you will give in to your cravings.

The method is not a temporary weight-loss method or fad diet. It’s a lifestyle plan that works for the long-term. This scientifically-based, comprehensive lifestyle plan works simply because, unlike short-term weight-loss diets, an easy-to-follow, lifelong weight-management lifestyle will help you lose weight and keep it off permanently. It does not require dieting or exercise.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 7278

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Sample text:


2 eggs

3 oz organic chocolate (semisweet or bittersweet)

2 tablespoons cocoa powder

2 tablespoons sweetener*

2 tablespoons ghee (or cacao butter)

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

1 tablespoon ghee (or cacao butter)



1.      Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease two 8ozceramic ramekins with 1 tablespoon ghee or cacao butter. Coat ramekins with the cocoa, and tap out excess.

2.      Melt chocolate and 2 tablespoons ghee or cacao butter in large bowl over double boiler, stirring occasionally. 

3.      Remove chocolate mixture from heat. Add egg whites to separate medium mixing bowl, and yolks to chocolate. Whisk yolks and vanilla into chocolate until smooth. Set aside.

4.      Beat egg whites, sweetener, salt and cream of tartar with hand mixer or whisk until stiff peaks form, about 8 minutes.

5.      Gently fold the egg-white mixture into the chocolate mixture. Spoon batter into prepared ramekins.

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