Walk Me Down the Aisle by Anthony V. Navarro

A Wedding Planner's Guide to Creating the Perfect Wedding Celebration

Curated advice on how to plan a wedding.

Walk me down the aisle

Planning a wedding can be overwhelming and daunting. Nor sure where to begin the planning process? Think you need help from an expert wedding planner? Looking for tips on how to make your dream wedding come to life?

WALK ME DOWN THE AISLE, a professional guide written by one of Chicago’s renowned Wedding Planners, is geared to help couples and families plan a successful wedding. Drawing on years of experience and planning that have brought more than 500 weddings to life, Anthony Navarro shares his coveted advice that his clients receive when they hire him to plan their wedding.

With hundreds of real weddings planned and produced, WALK ME DOWN THE AISLE acts as an excellent guide to help craft the perfect wedding celebration that fits your wedding style.

Genre: REFERENCE / Event Planning

Secondary Genre: REFERENCE / Weddings

Language: English

Keywords: wedding, wedding planner, wedding planning, plan a wedding

Word Count: 17,000

Sample text:

There are so many times I hear from couples right after they have become engaged.  I understand that the engagement process is an exciting time for every couple and hopefully there is some time   The first place that every couple needs to start with the wedding planning process is to first answer two key questions.  The first is, what is your wedding style and the second being even more important, how much money is available for the wedding.  By starting with these two questions,  and answering them honestly, it will begin to give you the blueprint for planning your wedding.  
Budgeting a wedding is one of the most important parts of what you do for your client. This really tells the story on where the wedding will be, what type of food will be served, what types of professionals will be working with you, and so on. Knowing how much money someone is willing to spend on their wedding day will be able to give you the framework for how to plan their wedding.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by André Weber

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