Visualization: Creative Visualization Techniques and Proven Strategies by Marcus Johnson

(46) Creative Visualization Techniques and Proven Strategies

Visualization: creative visualization techniques and proven strategies


This guide will help you create a visualization technique that you can use every day to propel you to greatness. Along with creating goals, visualization is the only thing that can add rocket fuel to your success. Want to speed up the time cycle on how long it takes to achieve something? Then visualization is absolutely crucial to your efforts.

You’ve probably heard the term visualization before and already have a basic idea about it. But what you are going to read in the rest of these pages will enlighten you so that you’re able to develop and master visualization abilities and utilize them to do the things that you want. Simply put, you can have or be anything you want! And you can absolutely do that by using visualization as a primary tool for your day-to-day living.

“The most useful tool I have received from Power Wishing is to be able to organize my feelings and thoughts so I know the direction of where I am going and I am in control of what I am creating.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: positive thinking, happiness, self esteem, confidence, marriage, divorce, overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 22405

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Sample text:

You can’t accomplish your goals if you don’t really know what they are! Too many people go through life and just takes what comes their way. They don’t really reach out for what that want. That doesn’t mean they don’t dream about a particular job, being with a certain person, or even about the type of car they are going to drive.

Yet they don’t stay motivated to make a good plan that allows them to reach those goals. Another reason that people don’t is that society tends to make us feel guilty for the desire to have material goods. If one of your goals is to own a sports car or to live in a home in a particular part of town, you may feel that guilt.

Finding a balance between how you live your life socially, ethically, and materially though is going to make it all work out for you. Working around the clock for material items isn’t going to make you a happy person. Yet having enough money to pay your bills and to afford some extras is going to help you feel better each day. The stress over money issues can be too much to take on.

When it comes to goals, you need to be realistic. For example, you can say you would like to be a rock star someday. That is a terrific goal but the reality is that very few people are going to reach that type of fame. It is realistic though to say you would like to learn how to play the guitar.

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