vegand diet: Live Healthy and Start Your Vegan Diet to Lose Weight(Vegan Diet Guide for Beginners) by Frederick Mccoy

(56b) Live Healthy and Start Your Vegan Diet to Lose Weight(Vegan Diet Guide for Beginners)

Vegand diet: live healthy and start your vegan diet to lose weight(vegan diet guide for beginners)

This high-fat and extremely low-carb diet gives you body a break from sugar and activates metabolic pathways responsible for rapid fat burn. The keto diet is also known for its mental health benefits and inflammation-reducing, heart-healthy effects.

However, most people still can’t imagine the keto diet without bacon and full-fat dairy.

But what if you carefully avoid animal products for ethical reasons? Should you make a sacrifice in the name of health and weight loss?

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn...

Must-try Lunch Recipes for Vegetarians
Sumptuous Vegetarian Recipes for Dinner

A Brief Introduction to Vegetarian Diet
Easy but Delicious Vegetarian Recipes for Breakfast
Much, much more!!

A plant-based lifestyle is beneficial for health and wellness. However, it can still be hard adjusting and restricting your diet. Our book 'Vegan Cookies' offers a huge variety of snacks and desserts designed for a vegan diet. Whether you're looking for healthy cookies, oatmeal cookies, cookie dough, or chocolate cookies, we have every option!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 4084

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Sample text:


Tofu, extra-firm -8 ounces
Onion Powder-1/4 teaspoon
Earth Balance Vegan Butter – 1 tablespoon
Soy Milk -1/3 cup
Nutritional Yeast -2 tablespoons
Dijon Mustard -1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric -1/2 teaspoon
Salt-1/4 teaspoon
Paprika -1/2 teaspoon


Method of Preparation:

Place the tofu in a bowl, mash it with a fork leaving a few chunky pieces.
Combine all the remaining ingredients, excluding the soy milk, in another bowl until mixed well.
Pour the soy milk into the bowl and whisk until you get a smooth mixture .
Melt the vegan butter in a heated pan over medium heat.

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