vegand diet cookbook: Plant-Based Recipes for a Healthy Vegan diet by Vincent Stephens

(49b) Plant-Based Recipes for a Healthy Vegan diet

Vegand diet cookbook: plant-based recipes for a healthy vegan diet

If you are looking to train harder, build muscle, and feel healthier while following the vegan diet, then this book is for you. From start to finish, this book will provide you will instruction, motivation, tips, guidance, recommendations, and resources for you to succeed. By reading this book, you will once and for all truly understand how to get that athletic body while eating only vegan food. Whether you are a newbie vegan or have experience with the plant-based lifestyle, this book is for you if bodybuilding is your aim. 

Please note that the aim of this book is not to make you a vegan if you are currently not a vegan. There are readers out there who still love their meat diets and it is perfectly normal to just have a vegan-based diet for the first half of the day and having their meat diet in the second half of the day. What this book can do for you is to expose you to a plant-based diet and that this diet can give you more variety and choices in your journey to building up your body.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 7579

Sales info:

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Sample text:


¼ cup of hot water

1 tablespoon of cinnamon

¼ cup of raisins

2 teaspoons of cacao powder

1 ripe banana

2 slices of whole-grain bread

¼ cup of natural peanut butter

Nutrition Information:

Fat – 34 g

Carbohydrates – 112 g

Protein – 27 g


In a bowl, mix the cinnamon, hot water, raisins, and cacao powder.
Spread the peanut butter on the bread.
Cut the bananas and put them on the toast.
Mix the raisin mixture in a blender and spread it on the sandwich.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Cezar Crispim

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
