vegan diet: The High-Protein Plant-Based Diet for an Easy and Effectively Muscles Building by Gordon Stewart

(43b) The High-Protein Plant-Based Diet for an Easy and Effectively Muscles Building

Vegan diet: the high-protein plant-based diet for an easy and effectively muscles building

The vegan keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat regimen that focuses mainly on the consumption of unprocessed, whole, plant-based foods, and avoidance of unhealthy, highly processed, and starchy foods.

It is a combination of the vegan and keto diets that are both linked to many health benefits including weight loss, and lower risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Because of the restrictive nature of the diet, it may lack in some important nutrients that your body needs. However, this can be addressed with proper planning and supplementation with the right nutrients like vitamins B12 and D, and iron, among others.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 6011

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Sample text:


1/3 cup tapioca pearls, washed and drained
½ cup water
½ cup coconut sugar
1 and ¼ cups almond milk
Zest from ½ lemon



Put the tapioca pearls in a bowl and mix with water, sugar, milk and lemon zest.

Stir well, transfer this to your instant pot and cook on High for 8 minutes.
Release pressure, leave the pudding aside for 10 minutes, pour it into breakfast bowls and serve right away!


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