vegan diet: Tasty High Protein Vegan Recipes To Build Muscle FAST On A Vegan Diet by Jaime Carpenter

(76b) Tasty High Protein Vegan Recipes To Build Muscle FAST On A Vegan Diet

Vegan diet: tasty high protein vegan recipes to build muscle fast on a vegan diet

Did you know that Vegans, on average live 8 years longer than and omnivorous? –Yes, that is true, and we will teach you how to do it the best way possible. If you want to improve the quality and the length of your life, you have to give it a try. This cookbook is packed with delicious plant-based recipes and step-by-step instructions, so it will be almost effortless for you to make the first steps.

Why Instant Pot? - Well, our mission while creating this product was to take into account all areas in your life, so you will not depend on cooking or meal preparation. We found that Instant Pot is the fastest option for food cooking that doesn’t change the flavor or the quality of the food. Desserts, Side Dishes, Appetizers, Snacks, Mains, Breakfast Dishes, we had made it complete along with additional healthier Vegetarian Recipes.

A Vegan diet is one of the best diets around. This is because it builds your meals around healthy food choices such as fruits, vegetables, beans and grains that make weight loss and improved health a remarkably easy task to achieve. The diet also comes with huge health improvements in your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. If you want to learn more about veganism, then you are in the right place
This guide is going to introduce you to the amazing vegan diet.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book, vegan bodybuilding, Vegan Pregnancy Diet

Word Count: 5534

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Sample text:


14 corn tortillas.

1 minced onion

2 tsp. olive oil

1 diced tomato

1 diced garlic

1 tbsp. white flour

2 diced jalapeno peppers

4 tbsp. rice milk

7 ounce grated non-dairy cheddar cheese


Begin by preheating the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Next, slice each of the corn tortillas into wedges and place them out on a baking sheet. Allow them to bake for twenty minutes. Afterwards, remove the chips and allow them to cool.

Heat garlic and onion together in some olive oil and sauté them for five minutes. Afterwards, add the tomatoes and the jalapenos, and continue to cook and stir for one minute. Add the rice milk.

Next, pour the non-dairy cheese into the mixture, and stir the ingredients together until the cheese completely melts. Remove the skillet form the heat.

Spread out the tortillas on a large plate, and pour the created cheese sauce overtop the chips. Serve warm.

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