vegan Diet recipes: The book with the specific diet to get healthy muscle for Athletes on vegan diet by Brendan Gonzales

(39b) The book with the specific diet to get healthy muscle for Athletes on vegan diet

Vegan diet recipes: the book with the specific diet to get healthy muscle for athletes on vegan diet

Many public statistics claim that people who follow a strict vegan diet have comparatively lower BMIs or body mass indexes than their meat-eating counterparts, whose diet contain products such as eggs, fishes, and other non-vegetarian alternatives. A healthy amount of protein intake is significant to keep your body fit and trim, especially if you are an athlete. The fact that a vegan-based diet also helps you keep a proper check on your weight is also backed by several scientific evidences.
Apart from keeping you in the best shape, a vegan diet can also help you fight against physical fatigue such as cramps and cardiovascular diseases. There are a whole lot of dishes to choose from if you know how to cook them.

If you have ever considered starting on the journey of a vegan or vegetarian diet, you will find this short book to be a thought-provoking and compelling page-turning read and may be shocked by the content. If you take to heart the facts concerning a healthy plant-based diet you might find it easy to start adding more of these healthy foods to your daily dietary intake and begin to avoid foods that are obviously bad choices.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 3814

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Sample text:


3 tbsp. vegetable oil

1 onion

12 oz. extra-firm tofu

2 cups vegan barbecue sauce (dealer’s choice)

6 whole-wheat hamburger buns

Begin by draining and slicing the tofu into slices half an inch thick. Slice the onion.

Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet. Add the tofu and fry until the strips are brown. Flip the strips, making sure they are golden on each side. Add the onion slices and cook to your personal preference. Slather on the barbecue sauce and turn the heat down to low. The barbecue tofu will be ready 10-15 minutes later.

Serve on the whole-wheat hamburger buns and enjoy!


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Translation in progress. Translated by Tahiti Mejias

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