vegan diet recipes: Simple and Amazing Vegetarian Recipes With Natural Foods For Healthy Living by Wilson Hudson

(54b) Simple and Amazing Vegetarian Recipes With Natural Foods For Healthy Living

Vegan diet recipes: simple and amazing vegetarian recipes with natural foods for healthy living

It takes a considerable amount of planning and research to get the vegan diet right. It’s not just about eating veggies. You need to know your body’s nutritional fundamentals. That’s what this book is about. Vegan Warning is your guide to enter the vegan lifestyle while avoiding the pitfalls and misconceptions common to those who decide to follow a healthier and morally responsible lifestyle. 

If you aim to reverse the adverse effect of an unhealthy lifestyle, then explore the vegan diet. Vegan diet has been around for a number of years and is proven to be beneficial to practitioners. It focuses on the consumption of plant-based food selection and eliminates not only the meat but any animal products in ones plate. Let this book help you in your journey toward your lifestyle change. Good thing that people now are being more conscious of their health by seeking ways on how to remain fit. Because of this, a lot of diets or food regimens have became popular due to its weight loss effects; one of which is the Vegan Diet. Although it has been around for decades, Vegan Diet has again gained the spotlight because of the many health benefits one can reap from this diet. This includes weight loss, detox, and therapeutic effects to particular chronic diseases. 

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn ....

From heart disease and obesity to cancer, the eBook contains all you need to know about the benefits of vegetarianism to fire up your determination to start or carry on with this type of diet.


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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 4441

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Sample text:


½ cup cider vinegar
16 apples, cored and sliced 
2 and ½ cups palm sugar
¼ teaspoon cloves, ground
3 teaspoons cinnamon



Put the apples in your instant pot, cover and cook on High for 1 hour.

Release pressure, transfer the apples to your food processor and blend them very well.
Return apples to your instant pot, add palm sugar, vinegar, cinnamon and cloves, stir well, cover the pot and cook on Low for 15 minutes.
Transfer to jars and serve with some toasted bread in the morning.



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