vegan diet recipes: Most Delicious Hummus Recipes That Are Quick and Easy by Chris Watson

(80b) Most Delicious Hummus Recipes That Are Quick and Easy

Vegan diet recipes: most delicious hummus recipes that are quick and easy

A huge part of the world population today leans more towards animal-based products than plant-based products. This is because many people consider animal-based goodies like hot dogs, kebabs, pies, cakes and ice creams to be delicious and heart-warming. The thought of such foods is what makes most of us look forward to meal times. They are also the type of foods that make our holiday special. Imagine Thanksgiving without a turkey, unimaginable right.
Well, consuming animal products is somewhat okay although it is not exactly quite healthy. In fact, it kind of distorts your health and leaves you vulnerable to a wide array of health issues like weight-related high blood pressure and heart diseases, diabetes and inflammation just to state a few. So what is the healthiest way to eat? The answer is following a vegan diet.


Vegetables are just as versatile as meat, if not even more so. You can start cooking soups, noodles, quinoa, desserts, snacks, smoothies, lunch, and dinner recipes with a variety of vegetables! And the best part about going vegan for three weeks? With vegan diet dishes and vegan nutrition, you can teach your body to crave new foods!

You might be wondering what that means. You see, our bodies crave foods that are high in nutrients we need, but if you’ve never had a persimmon or a dragon fruit before, then you’re not going to crave those fruits because your body doesn’t know what’s in them. 

A vegan detox is about finding new foods to eat and it’s about helping your body rid itself of some of the harmful components found in meat and dairy products. In addition to going vegan for a few weeks, I recommend you try to purchase as many organic items as you can in order to make these recipes. That’s because non-organic food products can contain harmful chemicals such as pesticides that are on the skin and even in the flesh of the vegetables. 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book, vegan bodybuilding, Vegan Pregnancy Diet

Word Count: 5336

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Sample text:


3 sliced tempeh strips

½ tsp. olive oil

½ cup homemade peanut butter

½ sliced banana

2 pieces of whole wheat bread


Begin by pour the olive oil in a skillet. Cook the tempeh in the skillet for about seven minutes, making sure to crisp it on both sides.

Next, spread out the peanut butter on both pieces of whole wheat bread. Place the banana slices on one piece and the tempeh on the other, and bring the bread pieces together.

Now, grill up the sandwich in the skillet to your desired golden-brown color. Enjoy!

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