vegan diet: Quick and Easy Gluten Free Low Cholesterol Whole Foods Recipes full of Antioxidants by Floyd Fletcher

(78b) Quick and Easy Gluten Free Low Cholesterol Whole Foods Recipes full of Antioxidants

Vegan diet: quick and easy gluten free low cholesterol whole foods recipes full of antioxidants


A huge part of the world population today leans more towards animal-based products than plant-based products. This is because many people consider animal-based goodies like hot dogs, kebabs, pies, cakes and ice creams to be delicious and heart-warming. The thought of such foods is what makes most of us look forward to meal times. They are also the type of foods that make our holiday special. Imagine Thanksgiving without a turkey, unimaginable right.
Well, consuming animal products is somewhat okay although it is not exactly quite healthy. In fact, it kind of distorts your health and leaves you vulnerable to a wide array of health issues like weight-related high blood pressure and heart diseases, diabetes and inflammation just to state a few. So what is the healthiest way to eat? The answer is following a vegan diet.

This book is for all of you – vegetarians, vegan novices, and health-conscious meat eaters trying an alternative diet. You will realize that being a Vegan Butcher isn’t just about animal rights, and definitely, doesn’t mean you have to survive on carrot and celery sticks (eating nutritious raw food is never a bad idea). 

Based on statistics, being overweight or obese are two health problems that affect millions and millions of people all over the world. These conditions are to be taken seriously because these can cause different fatal illnesses such as heart attack, diabetes, and many more. According to experts being overweight or obese are mainly brought about having poor food choices and sedentary lifestyle. If you’re looking for a way to prevent gaining weight or start having a healthy lifestyle, then you should consider one of the oldest yet one of the healthiest diets—Vegetarian Diet. 

If you’re intrigued with this diet, but do not have any idea what vegetarianism is, this E-book “Vegetarian Diet for Beginners” will provide you important facts that you should know about this diet. It will help you in the transition of being a meat eater to being a vegetarian. Also in this book is the list of vegetarian-approved foods which will help you maintain the vitamins and minerals needed for your body’s nourishment. Be fit and healthy with the Vegetarian Diet! 

You will experience improved health, better-looking skin and hair, and renewed vigor and energy. By turning vegan you enjoy balanced meals filled with the goodness of whole foods. You strengthen your immune system, ward off lifestyle diseases associated with the Standard American Diet, and let your body detoxify and heal itself.

However, one should not jump to conclusions so quickly. Vegan bodybuilding for beginners can be tough but not impossible. It is undoubtedly a herculean task to get proteins from a plant-based diet, but there are ways and means to build up muscle for vegans. This Vegan Bodybuilding cookbook will help you with all the answers!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book, vegan bodybuilding, Vegan Pregnancy Diet

Word Count: 5521

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Sample text:


32 ounces tofu

1 cup quick vegan barbecue sauce


Begin by preheating the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

Next, slice the tofu and blot the tofu with clean towels. Next, slice and dice the tofu and completely eliminate the water from the tofu material.

Stir the tofu with the vegan barbecue sauce, and place the tofu on a baking sheet.

Bake the tofu for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, stir the tofu and bake the tofu for an additional ten minutes.

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