Vegan Diet: Feel Amazing And Fit With Vegan Diet (Vegan Healthy Body) by Teresa Harris

Feel Amazing And Fit With Vegan Diet (Vegan Healthy Body)

Vegan diet: feel amazing and fit with vegan diet (vegan healthy body)


 This is the best diet cookbook for an easy vegan diet. Recipes include foods for breakfast, lunch, supper, snacks and desserts. Many of the recipes on the veganism diet are easily altered to your own tastes, substitute ingredients for others; try out different flavors and combinations. Cut the recipe in half to make less, or double it to make more. This vegan diet cookbook contains recipes for vegan burgers, pizza, tacos. There are soup and salad recipes that will go great as standalone meals or as good additions to larger meals. Vegan diets are highly nutritious using the best foods nature offers in the form of delicious vegetables and fruits and herbs and grains. These foods are high in vitamins and minerals, giving the body all the carbohydrates, fiber, and even protein needed to have a healthy immune system. Even when cooking from conventional recipes, there are substitutes for all the animal-based ingredients easily found in health food stores these days.

Whether you are a vegan, vegetarian or if you simply want to include more plant-based foods in your diet, this book offers a wide variety of recipes for healthy and delicious snacks that you can make in your own kitchen. With its organized table of contents and accessible layout, this recipe book makes it easy to find and create the plant-based snacks that you want.


If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: Vegan Diet, vegetarian diet, vegan recipes, detox, weight loss, ketogenic diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 12950

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Sample text:

●    Substitute milk sources like rice milk, soymilk, almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk etc are the best bet for vegans.

●    Tofutti is a good substitute for cream cheese.

●    Soy yoghurt can be used instead of the usual dairy yogurt

●    Tofu is great choice instead of cottage cheese; it can be used in puddings as well.

●    Seitan and Tempeh are some of the best meat substitutes. 

●    Beans and chickpeas are excellent vegan protein sources.

●    Nuts and nut butters are good especially if they are homemade. These can be substituted instead of spreads and butter.

●    Grain options include brown rice; quinoa, steel cut oats, whole grain grits, multigrain pasta and sprouted bread.

●    Instead of gelatin use agar agar.

●    Miso paste is a great substitute for anchovy paste.

●    Vegetable broth can be used instead of chicken or beef broth.

●    Tomato paste is an excellent flavoring substitute.

●    Instead of eggs you can use flax seeds while baking, as these will add a nutty flavor to your food as well as a much healthier choice. 

●    Chia seeds are an excellent source that can be used to make amazing puddings.

●    Instead of butter you can use coconut oil in some recipes.

●    For continental cooking virgin olive oil makes a healthier alternative to butter.

●    Opt for agave or maple syrup instead of honey. 

●    Hot flavoring agents like Sriracha and Harissa can be used instead of Worcestershire sauce.

●    Korean kimchi is a great vegan treat without using any fish sauce.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Elisabete Rosa
Already translated. Translated by Victoria Garrido

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
