vegan diet: Dressing Recipes for Weight Loss and Detox your body (High Protein Recipes) by Edward Mendoza

(37b) Dressing Recipes for Weight Loss and Detox your body (High Protein Recipes)

Vegan diet: dressing recipes for weight loss and detox your body (high protein recipes)

There has been a massive revolution in the food industry over the past few years. As a result, it has become a great deal more comfortable for you to devise a healthy, vegan diet for yourself. If you are an athlete, you need to boost your protein intake to make sure that your gains are getting the sustenance they need. If you know the best way to manipulate vegan ingredients to make delicious dishes that have high protein content, it will make your life better.
Considering how important your diet is, it is only wise that to devote a lot of time and thought into what you are going to eat throughout the day. Moreover, a diet made up of plant-based ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, is perfect if you are looking for ways to keep yourself fit and trim.
Most of the athletes ignore their diet and focus solely on getting ripped at the gym. That is a move that is condemned mainly by dieticians and nutritionists. The food you eat makes up for a large percentage of your fitness. It is wise if you adopt a vegan diet that significantly boosts your daily protein intake. There is no shortage of vegan ingredients to choose from. However, if you do not have the right guidance, you will not be able to devise an efficient vegan diet meal plan for yourself.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: vegan Diet, Vegan Diet cookbook, vegan cookbook for athletes, vegan diet for beginners, vegan meal prep book

Word Count: 21344

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Sample text:


12 ounces uncooked lasagna noodles

2 tbsp. soymilk

12 ounces crumbled tofu

1 cup tomato sauce

2 egg replacements

2 cups shredded vegan mozzarella

½ cup shredded vegan Parmesan

½ tsp. nutmeg

salt and pepper to taste


Begin by preheating the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Next, allow the lasagna noodles to boil for fifteen minutes in a pot of water.

To the side, mix together the egg replacements, the tofu, the salt, the pepper, the nutmeg, the soymilk, the tomato sauce, and a cup of shredded vegan mozzarella. Spread this mixture into the bottom of the 9x13 baking pan.

Next, place a layer of the lasagna noodles overtop followed by the sauce. Layer this mixture as many times as you can until you run out of ingredients, and top the lasagna with vegan cheese.

Next, bake the lasagna for thirty-five minutes, and serve warm.

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