Understanding Ketosis by Gretchen Ramos


Understanding ketosis

Regardless of what your reasons are for following the ketogenic diet, starting is never as easy as you may think. The ketogenic diet is emerging as one of the most popular diets for health and weight loss. No other diet has the same tremendous benefits for health concerns, ranging from cancer to obesity and Alzheimer's disease to type 2 diabetes-not to mention its positive effects on athletic performance.
In Understanding Ketosis, Gretchen Ramos offers a comprehensive look at everything you ever wanted to know about the ketogenic diets. Her approach is based on scientific research, her personal testimony on how she lost weight from 220 pounds to a slim-fit size for two months. Haven't worked in the medical field for twenty years, she has successfully helped people to be in ketosis. The most common concerns, questions, practical tips and advice for following ketogenic diet has been dealt with in this book.
Here is a preview of this book:
• What to eat on the ketogenic diet
• Ways To Determine Your Personal Keto Diet Formula
• Practical steps to get started with ketogenic diet
• What kind of carbohydrate is good or bad
• Scientific research on ketosis
• Eating protein: good or bad
• Success stories on ketogenic diet
• Reasons you are not losing weight on the ketogenic diet
• Benefits of the ketogenic diet
• Much, much, more!
This is your one-stop shop for the most tested, trusted and accurate information on ketosis. Click the "Buy Botton" and add this book to your shelve.

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Healthy Living

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Quick & Easy

Language: English

Keywords: fat for fuel the obesity code keto clarity jason, ketogenic diet complete guide to fasting art and, science of low carbohydrate living why we get, tripping over truth dr fung beginners cleanse, ketonix gary taubes jimmy books carb ketosis, moore strips real meal revolution bacon butter 30, day heal your body confidence fitness

Word Count: 11043

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Sample text:

Introduction: The Journey

The biggest question I received and I think this is the hardest one for us is that some people aren't losing weight on keto and I understand because when I first heard keto for two months I did not lose weight and it's really frustrating when you have an abundance of weight you need to lose and you're not losing it.

I started at 220 pounds and I couldn't afford to just dink around or hope that this worked, and maybe oh I'll lose 20 pounds if I feel like it. I chose this lifestyle for one reason, because I really needed to get that excess weight off my body. It was depressing and it was also just debilitating to not be able to move, and being tired all the time, so it was time for me to get that weight off. So I really understand when you say I need to lose weight, I feel that I understand that urgency and I want to help you do that but you also need to learn how to do it properly. So this book isn't going to be the 5 tips to lose weight, it's just not happen that way because it doesn't really work because I know what I am talking about and I tried it.

All the first things are going on be the reason you gained weight, and also  the other diets failed, besides them not being keto. Obviously is that you had bad habits to begin with, and they're going to follow you into this diet way of eating, I shouldn't say that I'm sorry!

This way of eating it's not a diet, you are going to be doing this for the rest of your life. And also if you're doing this just to lose weight, when I started all I thought about is I have to lose weight! I have to lose Weight! And if that's all you're concerned about, you're not thinking about the longevity of your life and your body and everything long-term and that's okay.


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Already translated. Translated by Ileana Paula Lozada Ortega

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