Ultimate Marketing Mastery by Justin Sachs

Top Tools Strategies and Principles for Marketing Your Business

Ultimate marketing mastery

Master the tools strategies and principles provided by some of the worlds leading authorities on Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media and more. These are the tools and strategies that have been executed by small businesses and Fortune 500 companies to produce significant revenue.


Language: English


Word Count: 50,000

Sales info:

This book has reached the Amazon Best-Sellers list in the Business & Marketing Categories.

It has sold over 50,000 copies across all retail channels and has been awarded the Readers Book Award in 2013. 

Sample text:

To be the ultimate master of marketing requires the ability to build and grow meaningful and profitable professional relationships through strategic networking. 

Networking has traditionally been defined as a way to cultivate relationships for the purpose of building a professional network. Strategic networking is so much more. Being a strategic networker means that you are connecting with other people and forming significant relationships with mutual, profitable business benefits. And you are setting yourself apart from everyone else by embracing a process that will provide you with a more cost-effective method of generating new business opportunities.

To be a truly effective strategic networker involves cultivating mutually advantageous business relationships, leveraging your connections, both personal and business, for purposes of growing your business, and sharing ideas and business leads. Strategic networking embraces the standard principles of networking 

and extends the definition further by incorporating methods of execution that differentiate you from all the other networkers out there. It starts with that initial handshake whether that takes place in person or virtually through your website or social media profile and continues through the relationship building process. It is should be embedded into your brand identity. 

When you practice the “art” of strategic networking you are using a defined process that starts with establishing networking goals, then creating a memorable marketing message to distinguish you from others, conducting sound networking best practices offline and online, developing a consistent follow-up process and finally measuring your results. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by ROSA GALLARDO

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