This Thing Called God by Ramon Nonato A.

a new way of looking at god

The author puts forth a new conception of God that will give rise to a new way for both believers and non believers to look at the mystical world.

This thing called god

During a time span covering over four decades, the author fought back, as best as he could, the religious indoctrination of both the Catholic and the Protestant churches that haunted him from his early life on, as well as that of the so-called esoteric schools to finally, at the end of a long trek, stumble upon a different approach to understanding God that satisfied his inquisitive mind.

His long search included also a period of atheism but it was to no avail for he now openly admits that “the ghost in the machine” does exist, although he conceives it in an entirely different way.

To his great astonishment, the author wound up challenging the core philosophical concepts underlying Religion, which coerced him to offer suggestions that might promote transformational effects on society as a whole in the long run.

He also looks into the reasons that make human beings so prone to Religion and discloses why churches will continue to thrive, in spite of his new approach to understanding and relating to God.

An essay written to expose some surprising novel viewpoints with regard to God and Religion where open confrontation and denouncing have been resorted to only when deemed utterly necessary. 

Genre: RELIGION / Atheism

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Religion & Science

Language: English

Keywords: Non-fiction, Religion, Atheism

Word Count: 66,775

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This is a book about God and Religion based on the idea that “Man created God in his own image” as opposed to the original “God created man in his own image”, a ground-breaking idea I came up with in my late teens but which I could enunciate clearly only in 1974, by the time I was 23. Although this is exactly the way I put it, switching the position of the words “God” and “man” in the original sentence just to give rise to a shock in the listener, what I really meant to say was “Man conceived God in his own image” because man has no power whatsoever to create God who can, beyond any doubt, create anything, including man himself. But this “unimportant mistake” helped me to hold a strong and inflexible stand against Religion and all sorts of believers in religious and pseudo-religious nonsense until I reached, as recently as 2013, a different notion about God, in a rational and unconventional way, detached in absolute terms from any religious preconceptions.

Over 40 years have gone by since the day I first uttered my novel idea and I have not done much to make it known because the very few times I tried, letting my peers and friends know about it, I found their open rejection and, at times, their condemnation. The message implicit in their usually loud and violent reaction was that the foundation of their world was being shattered at its base. This usually impaired their reasoning and rendered them unable to counter the new viewpoint I was presenting to them.

I exposed my idea out very sparingly over the span of about two or three decades, talking about them only to those friends or acquaintances of mine whom I regarded as somewhat inclined to be thinkers 

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