This Rogue of Mine by Amanda Mariel

Cordelia and Nathaniel cannot escape the consequences of their passion, but neither can they agree on a path forward.

This rogue of mine

Lady Cordelia Daventry may be a spinster, but she has not given up all hope. When she finds herself alone with the well-known rogue, Nathaniel Lowell, Viscount Wolverton, she embraces her chance to experience desire. Finding herself in a delicate condition, she turns to Lady Celia Kendal for help. The last thing she expects Celia to do is share her secret with Nathaniel.

Nathaniel may be a rogue, but he is not without honor. When he discovers what he has done, he sets out to make an honorable woman of Cordelia. The last thing he expects is for her to run. Still, he is resolved to marry her at any cost—and marry her, he will.

Cordelia and Nathaniel cannot escape the consequences of their passion, but neither can they agree on a path forward. They engage in a battle of will and wit as they discover what truly matters. But knowing and having are two different things.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Regency

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Victorian

Language: English

Keywords: Regency Romance, Historical Romance, Victorian, English historical romance, English Rogue, English Regency, Victorian romance

Word Count: 18,830

Sample text:

Lady Cordelia Daventry knew she should not be standing outside of the library door. She most certainly should not be pressing her ear to the mahogany panel. Ladies did not eavesdrop. Still, she could not help herself. The lure of raised voices had drawn her like a moth to a flame, and now that she was here, she could not pull away.

Besides, if she were not here, she’d be in the music room listening to the debutants demonstrating their aptitude with songs and instruments. Talents that she had never possessed. Not that Cordelia begrudged them, but all the same, she’d grown weary of having her shortcomings shoved in her face.

Cordelia cringed as Mother’s voice rang through her head. ‘This is why you remain unwed,’ Mother would say. ‘If only you could sing like Lady Gretchen,’ or ‘If you possessed Miss Hillary’s skill with the pianoforte, you’d be married.’ With each demonstration, Mother would add to the commentary on why Cordelia remained alone after four seasons.

It was enough to send anyone running, and so Cordelia had made her excuse and fled from the performances. She’d only intended to stroll the hall long enough to collect herself, then return to her mother’s side. Then as she walked past the library, the argument coming from inside froze her in her tracks.

Even though she knew the voices coming from within made her transgression all the worse, she could not refrain. Her neighbor and host, The Earl of Holloway, was giving his rogue of a son, Lord Wolverton, quiet the set down. Cordelia could scarcely imagine what had caused his displeasure and found herself compelled to find out.

“It is time to grow up,” the earl seethed, and Cordelia could only imagine his face burning red with the anger she heard in his voice.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Carolin Kern
Author review:
Caroline is always amazing to work with. Her attention to and eye for detail attention really make a story shine. I highly recommend her!
Already translated. Translated by Federica Mignacca
Already translated. Translated by Evelyn T M Martins

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