The World's Greatest Idiot's Quotes: And Some Other Things Said By Some Stupid Ass Dummies by Dorothy Bigguns

Laugh Out Loud at the World's Dumbest Quotes.

The world's greatest idiot's quotes: and some other things said by some stupid ass dummies

Laugh Out Loud at the World's Dumbest Quotes. Read about how:

Everyone throughout the world has misspoken at some point in their lives and "The World’s Greatest Idiot’s Quotes...And Other Things Said By Some Stupid Ass Dummies" is an inside look at some of the dumb things people say. This book gives you some funny and memorable lines by some of the most famous athletes, celebrities and politicians. The quotes are proof that fame and fortune comes with intense scrutiny on every word spoken, good or bad. Some things can be said and taken out of context, some thoughts aren’t articulated very well and other lines are best left up to the imagination of the reader. Dorothy Bigguns provides laughter, inspiration and motivation for anyone who has ever said anything asinine. 

Genre: HUMOR / Topic / Adult

Secondary Genre: HUMOR / Form / Anecdotes & Quotations

Language: English


Word Count: 4149

Sales info:

This book has been out for over a year and has had success on Kindle, paperback and audiobook. 

Sample text:


I'm stupid, I'm ugly, I'm dumb, I smell. Did I mention I'm stupid?

-Eminem, American rapper, musician


Don’t you just hate it when you know what you want to say but you can’t seem to say it without sounding like a complete and total horse’s ass? Maybe you missed lunch and you’re feeling a little peaked, so your words are coming out like you’re a fool. Possibly your nerves are wracked and your anxiety heightened, so you cannot seem to speak the way you normally would without the stress.

Then, there are times that when something spoken sounds great within the context of a conversation, but when a specific statement is left to stand on it’s own can make you seem like a buffoon. Sure, everyone around you knew what you were saying, but one small sound byte from something you said can make you sound like an asshole. It’s really quite easy for the media to do this by extracting choice words, and posting them for the whole world to make you seem really dumb.

These are the lines made famous by people in the public eye. Musicians, celebrities, actors and, the easiest targets for public scrutiny, politicians are fair game when it comes to getting caught off guard, misbehaving or speaking like complete stupid ass dummies.

You’ll find a wide selection of public figures saying some pretty stupid things, but I have a considerable amount more from one group, the politicians. These public servants share many things that polarize their views, but other things they have said really can’t be categorized under any political affiliation. Even their political party had them shaking their head and saying, “What the fuck did you just say?!”

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