The two Paths by aldivan teixeira torres

In the life we have two choices. To know to choose one of them is a matter of wisdom.

The two paths

In the life we have two choices. To know to choose one of them is a matter of wisdom. Learn to reflect on this with a young man who has the predicates for that and that can to point solutions to problems commons of indecision in the life .

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English


Word Count: 933

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Sample text:

The choices certainly  has  much traction in our lives and especially in our personality. I ‘m son of farmers, I was raised with good values ​​and always follow them to the letter. I grew up in the poverty but I never failed in the kindness, generosity, honesty, character and love for with the neighbour. Even so, I was not safe from the storms of life.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Andreea Iolu
Already translated. Translated by Giorgio Richetta
Already translated.
Already translated.

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