The Rigs by Courtenay Kasper

Cora has to survive this dystopian adventure and save her people on - The Rigs

The rigs

One hundred years after the earth’s polar ice caps melted, the remnant of humanity lives on floating cities called rigs. Cora is a seventeen-year-old girl whose curiosity puts her in the wrong place at the right time. Kidnapped by a mainlander with no way to get home, Cora must choose to trust young Bardsong to survive. Having only read about life on the mainland, Cora struggles to do basic survival things like lighting a fire or riding Sabre the stubborn horse. Bardsong and his brother Balyntine find themselves falling for Cora in spite of her strange ways. Life on the rigs hadn’t prepared Cora for a harrowing journey on the mainland, in fact, the Directorate leadership on the rigs had an entirely different agenda; a much more sinister plan. Cora’s journey to discover what home means and whom she needs to trust leads her to a God who never leaves even when everyone else fails. For Cora, being kidnapped felt like the end of her world until she realized it was only the beginning.

Genre: FICTION / Christian / Futuristic

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Dystopian

Language: English

Keywords: dystopian, horses, adventure

Word Count: 48333

Sales info:

The Rigs has sold 120 copies in paperback and ebook. It has been downloaded 450 times via bookfunnel. It is also being made into an Audiobook for release in the summer. #947 in Children's Dystopian Fiction.

Sample text:

   By the time Cora reached the edge of her hex block, the noise had stopped. The familiar night sounds seemed unnaturally empty, but Cora was far too curious to go back to bed. She jogged along the decking until she neared the cable bridge that stretched to the breaker wall. Cora had run along the narrow bridge hundreds of times before. A walkway circled around the breaker wall and many people used it for exercise.

   Tonight there was no moon, so Cora relied on the mini solar lights dotting the trail on the walkway. When she reached the outer rail of the wall, she heard quiet scuffling noises and whispering. She couldn’t see anything, so she tiptoed over to the railing, held her breath, and looked down.

   Directly below her was a boomer half-connected, and barely hanging on by one wave arm as it bashed itself against the breaker wall. What could do that? she thought. Nothing has ever broken a boomer before! Not even hurricanes! Out of the corner of her dark-brown eyes, she saw movement on the outside of the breaker wall. Those are men! They’re climbing the wall! How did they get here? She exhaled slowly and crouched low on the inside of the railing. Why didn’t I wake up father? Cora leaned her head on the wall and held perfectly still, hoping she wouldn’t be seen.

   The three men climbed over the wall and split off in both directions. Oh no! They’re coming this way. Cora’s fear paralyzed her momentarily, but then she knew she needed to run. I have to warn someone. She launched off the ground, sprinting for the bridge, but it was too late. One of the men ran after her. She jumped down the steps two at a time and onto the bridge, landing hard. She was fast, but not fast enough. The dark figure was gaining on her. She sprinted across the bridge and up the steps to the walkway. She looked behind and screamed.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Cristian Casamin
Author review:
This translator was very professional and translated very fast. The translation is done very well, including words that I made up being translated well.

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