The Princess's Secret Wedding - BOOK 1 by Manu Valcan

What would you do if you woke up next to the most obnoxious and annoying man in the world, and found that you were now married to him?

The princess's secret wedding - book 1


A princess's life seems to be surrounded by luxuries and stewardship, but for Nicolette Harriet Bouvier of Sienna, princess of Kadia, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Used to the sameness of the royal world, she had no idea that one night in Las Vegas would get her in so much trouble. Waking up in a hotel room without a clue how she got there, Nicol comes across a terrifying truth, the man sleeping next to her was now her husband. And even worse than that was the fact that the "stranger" was nothing less than Sebastian de Vasseur, Duke of Montreux, the king's friend and the man Nicol had utter disregard for.

How the two ended up together was a mystery, and when the king found out would be the end of it.

For the sake of both, Sebastian and Nicol agree to keep the marriage a secret at least until it gets annulled, but Jerome, king of Kadia, has other plans in mind that include his daughter's marriage to General Hugo Hilton for political purposes, with the intent to get help saving the country from a crisis. Hilton was a frightening man, and not in a dream would Nicol marry him, which left her with the only alternative to agreeing to reveal to the world that she was now married to Sebastian, a man she knew very little. But the princess's antipathy for Vasseur was no secret to anyone and to convince her father that the marriage was true, Nicol and Sebastian will have to become the most passionate couple in the world or they could lose everything.

Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Romance / Romantic Comedy

Secondary Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Royalty

Language: Portuguese

Keywords: royalness, princess, marriage, kingdom, love, revenge

Word Count: 169,601

Sales info:

Amazon Five Stars, # 183 in Young Romance Books, # 240 in Romantic Comedy Books, in the second month of release. Three million readings on Wattpad, and Wattpad top prize winner Wattys 2016.

Sample text:

OSCAR ESCOLHEU O CHATEAU NIGHTCLUB DESTA VEZ. O clube noturno ficava debaixo de uma réplica da Torre Eiffel no hotel Paris Las Vegas. O lugar era lindo, com cada detalhe da decoração clássica inspirada na arquitetura francesa, do papel de parede, do teto abobadado aos lustres.

Estávamos hospedados há três dias, enquanto curtíamos um circuito de festas pela cidade, para comemorar o aniversário de Ivan Chermont, filho do Marquês de Blanc, e meu amigo há muitos anos.

A comemoração se resumiria a nós — seus amigos íntimos — mas de alguma maneira Oscar, primo de Ivan, conseguiu reunir um monte de pessoas — que nunca vi na vida — para uma social pelos vários points da cidade. Não que ele e Ivan fossem totais desconhecidos. Seus rostos estampavam revistas e blogs de fofoca, então, conseguir toda essa galera não foi muito difícil. Não com a fama deles.

E o que ia ser uma passagem rápida, acabou se estendendo demais, e a culpa era toda de Ivan que não conseguia resistir aos encantos de Vegas, não que eu o culpasse.

A cidade fervorosa, animada, cheia de pessoas diferentes, e ambientes que convidavam à perdição, era completamente o oposto do país em que havíamos nascido e crescido.​



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Audrey Hawes Mayayo
Author review:
Tradutora muito responsável, atenciosa.

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