The Last Day Resurrection: Understanding the Book of Revelation and Refuting the Rapture Heresy by Repen T. OrBurn

The book of Revelation was meant to be read, understood and obeyed by Christians the world over, not shrouded in mystery; prepare to have your spiritual eyes opened to the truth!

The last day resurrection: understanding the book of revelation and refuting the rapture heresy

The book of Revelation was meant to be read, understood and obeyed by Christians the world over, not shrouded in mystery. However in these last days of apostasy the truth has been forgotten, covered up and replaced by a lie. Prepare to have your spiritual eyes opened to the truth!

Learn the truth about:

◊ The Biblical Last Day Resurrection that Israelites and Christians have known about for thousands of years

◊ How the pre-trib rapture theory is being used by Satan to deceive Christians not only into rejecting God's word but in setting them up to take the mark of the beast in the future

◊ What is going to happen before, during and after the tribulation

◊ The exact location of God's place of safety for true servants of God during the tribulation

Genre: RELIGION / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English


Word Count: 24,304

Sales info:

Slated to be released on December 1, 2015.

Sample text:

Men and women of God have understood for at least two millennia the Biblical teaching that there would be a resurrection of the righteous dead and living on the very last day of secular (i.e. pre-millennial) history, which this author likes to refer to as the last day resurrection. However, such a Biblical view has literally been replaced in these last days by a new, heretical and dangerous theory, commonly known as the secret rapture. This unbiblical and utterly satanic modern heresy encompasses the pre-tribulation and mid-tribulation rapture theories and many post-tribulation theories as well.

While the historical and Biblical position of the last day resurrection unequivocally fits with each and every prophetic verse of Holy Scripture and is contradicted by none, the secret rapture theory is undeniably at odds with God's word as penned by the apostles under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Such will be easily demonstrated in the following pages of this book.

Many dear Christians have been confused after hearing contradictory sermons on the pre-trib rapture, mid-trib rapture and post-trib rapture. These individuals have seemingly given up all hope of understanding God's simple end-times truths and become pan-tribulationists, in that they simply throw up their hands and say, I don't know what’s going to happen, so I figure it will all just pan out in the end. Such is the sad state of mind many Christians find themselves in, due to God’s simple truths being hidden from them, replaced by dangerous lies that have been advanced at all costs. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, these things ought not to be so!

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Rocío Marcela Acosta Chávez

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