The Forbidden Truth: Season Finale by Prasenjeet Kumar

If you liked the Lord of the Rings and the Game of Thrones, you will sure fall in love with THE FORBIDDEN TRUTH, and its powerful, eternally valid, underlying message.

The forbidden truth: season finale

If you wished Harry Potter had a message, read on …

God would say:

Stop going into those dark, cold temples that you built yourself and saying they are my house. My house is in the mountains, in the woods, rivers, lakes, beaches. That's where I live and there I express my love for you.

— Baruch Spinoza

The corrupt Government of Sidua has invoked an evil spell to control the minds of its people. So, they can hide their incompetence and become rich and richer.

What can reverse this spell and stop the Government of Sidua in its tracks? The elusive Book of Truth.

Meanwhile, Drabu, the one-and-only prophet of Malsia, is planning a massive invasion of Sidua. Who can foil Drabu? Again, the same top-secret Book of Truth.

In the story carried forward from THE FORBIDDEN TRUTH books I and II, Noora, Ila, and Yadu continue with their epic search for the illusory Book of Truth. With every step, their journey becomes even more perilous, impractical, and utterly frustrating.

Will they ever find the fabled Book of Truth? Or will they watch their beloved homeland reduced to slavery once again?

Get set to ride a roller-coaster tale of adventure filled with magical spells, mountain giants, wizards, and intriguing twists and turns at every step.

Witness the epic and eternal battle between an inclusive culture and an exclusive one, between nature worshippers and the so-called one-and-only one true God, and decide who you would rather be with.

If you liked the Lord of the Rings and the Game of Thrones, you will sure fall in love with THE FORBIDDEN TRUTH, and its powerful, eternally valid, underlying message.

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Epic

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Historical

Language: English

Keywords: fantasy india, bollywood fiction, india fiction, fantasy indian authors, epic fantasy, fantasy indian

Word Count: Approx. 46,000 words

Sales info:

The book is part of a series from an author who has been on the best seller ranks on Amazon.

Sample text:

Chapter 1: Yadu and Ila

The Malsian flag was lowered, the awe-inspiring, fear-instilling, blood-curdling rectangular flag depicting a lion in the backdrop of a rising sun. As if the sun had abandoned the Malsian lion. The second battle of Devkigarh had led to a humiliating defeat for the Malsians, once again. Of course, they were not to be blamed, as the Malsian generals consoled themselves. They could, thanks to the magic of Ihan, win any battle against any mortal, but how could they conquer the dead?

Yadu, the greatest warrior-general of Sidua, raised the Siduan national flag — a plain saffron triangular flag. Saffron had a special place in Siduan culture. It represented the colour of the morning sun, that embodied enlightenment, the quintessence of freedom — not just from slavery but from undesirable worldly desires. That’s why Siduan monks and priests always donned saffron robes.

The Siduan flag danced gleefully in the colourless sky; its body indefatigable despite being battered by the bitter, icy winds of Cynthia. Now snow-flakes weren’t falling straight to the ground, they were coming down in a fascinating non-stop spiral. The winters in Cynthia were heralding the onset of many, many cold and dreary months ahead.

Watching the saffron flag, Yadu gave a smart salute. The few tens of remaining soldiers too banged their shields to pay respect to the flag.

Suddenly, the world whirled around in Yadu’s eyes. The saffron flag merged with the white background. The shouting of soldiers turned into an undecipherable cacophony. Yadu, the legendary warrior-general, fell to the ground in slow motion. His back hitting the cold stone floor first — hard.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Valentina Beninca'
Already translated. Translated by Rebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
