The Dark Levy by Alaric Longward

The Dark Levy: Stories of the Nine Worlds (Ten Tears Chronicles - a dark fantasy action adventure Book 1)

The dark levy

In this epic dark fantasy adventure story, Shannon and Dana visit their wise, old grandmother in Wales, and finally learn why their lives have been strangely tormented and cursed. There is a family secret, old as time itself, and that secret might kill them if they try to ignore their destiny. They also learn that there is a dangerous way to embrace that secret, because on that day, a harrowing creature of an alien world calls out for the few and the special, talented humans of the Tenth world. Our world. 

Dana performs an irreversible murderous deed that opens the gate to the Jewel of the Nine, the world of Aldheim, and they meet the strange creature calling for them. In this world they find their true calling, their special talents, the truth of the gods and also a world of mystery, danger, and adversity. Shannon and Dana struggle with their previous relationship as one grows cruel and power-driven, while the other learns to value friendship. Much is demanded of Shannon, who struggles with her loyalties. 

Despite the many dangers and their apparently hopeless situation in the brutal, mage-filled world of monsters and dragons, there is hope, for Shannon has special, coveted powers of healing, reserved for the chosen of the gods. If she perseveres, she can change the past and bring back even the gods. 

But the price will be great. 

"This is masterful weaving of a story that sucks you in to a coming of age urban fantasy. It doesn't feel like any other book I've read this year, and I've read three or four a week." - Amazon Customer.

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Epic

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure

Language: English


Word Count: 130 000

Sales info:

We have sold over 22 thouand books during 1.5 years, and The Dark Levy has been a constant seller for well over an year. The books rankings swing between 15 k to 30 k total in rankings.

Sample text:

We hiked up the hill after my sister. She was whooping and running up the track with our old guide, and I cursed softly. Damn her.

I was not happy, but Dana was obviously ecstatic as she skittered after the oddly boulder-like sailor on the rubble-strewn, mud-plagued route up the hill. Her bright yellow shoes were slipping on the slick mud, which covered the solid Welsh hillside. Our parents were not content either, despite the fine weather. It had been raining that morning, and everything was glistening wet. Mother echoed my curses, for the disgustingly happy Dana would look a mess when we eventually returned to the flowery valley and Grandmother’s ancient, odd tile house. Despite the hardships, Mother and Father resolutely puffed their way along, despairing of the path up the ancient hill, a near obscure, almost forgotten track that was bravely fighting against a horde of invading weeds. I followed them; trying to enjoy the bright, clear weather and the shrill cries of birds one could hear above the distant hammering of the sea against high, craggy cliffs.

It was hard to enjoy life that day. Then again, I had had trouble enjoying anything for long years. I shook my head at Dana as she waved at me, but I attempted a smile. I managed it, but it was almost painful.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Sara Verzilli

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