The Best Green Smoothies for Weight Loss: Over 30 Simple Recipes for Healthy Eating by Dale L. Roberts

Over 30 Tasty and Easy-to-Make Green Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

The best green smoothies for weight loss: over 30 simple recipes for healthy eating

Learn How Green Smoothies are the Best Kept Secret to Losing Weight!

“Green Smoothies for Weight Loss” is a collection of 30 simple smoothie recipes for anyone looking to enhance a safe and effective weight loss. It is a great companion for dieters who want to lose a few inches and pounds while enjoying their journey to a healthy body.

The book contains over 30 different green smoothie recipes that harness the incredible power of leafy green vegetables and fruits without the use of dairy and grain-filled mixes. This collection of smoothie recipes is an indulgent yet sustainable way of losing weight. These recipes are cheap and simple to make so that the newbie can begin and sustain a healthy, effective weight loss program.

In Green Smoothies for Weight Loss, you’ll learn:

Included in this book is a glossary of ingredients that explains the benefits and how to utilize each recipe best. This glossary of ingredients gives a better understanding of why each fruit or vegetable is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

“Green Smoothies for Weight Loss” is an excellent companion guide to Dale L. Roberts’ “The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss.” Both work well together and will bring out the best in any weight loss program.

Genre: COOKING / Beverages / Non-Alcoholic

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Weight Loss

Language: English


Word Count: 6064

Sales info:

This book is a permafree book available on Amazon and ranks among the top 10-50 books in its categories. 

Sample text:

We can all agree that putting on extra weight comes fairly easy when there aren’t too many healthy options for when someone is on-the-go or needing a quick fix because of a busy lifestyle. Fast food joints, gas station convenience stores and local grocers offer everything imaginable, but what they offer isn’t always in the best interest of your waistline or overall health.

What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you could have something good for you when you are on-the-go or needing a quick fix? All you need is fresh produce, a 32-ounce blender, a sharp knife and cutting board. But, you must be selective with what you are blending for the most ideal results.

Sure, you can mix a large cocktail of nothing but fruit and it will make for a tasty treat. However, fruit smoothies alone aren’t the best choices since they can be filled with sugar and far too many calories. Then again, if you can dilute the fruit ingredients with whole vegetables, then you not only get more bang for your buck, but you also get a drink with a potent blend of nutrients.

Green smoothies are shakes primarily consisting of leafy vegetables, nutritious options that provide:

1) Cholesterol reduction

2) Vitamin K helps in blood clotting; builds strong bones; prevents age-related conditions such as, heart disease.

3) The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin reduce discomfort from light, decrease the risk of cataracts, and increase the distance of sight.

4) Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid – All B vitamins help convert food into fuel. Vitamin B5 helps maintain a healthy digestive tract, utilize other vitamins and is critical in the manufacturing of red blood cells.

5) Calcium – crucial in overall health including use in the nervous system, muscles, heart, and bone.

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