Surviving Parenthood by Karen Rouillard

Becoming a parent is easy, survivng it is the hard part.

Surviving parenthood

This book is a guideline for the parents who are staring out and the ones who are already there. It gives you helpful hints on how to get through the great times and the not so great times. Being a parent is the most wonderful thing that you can do but we all need help along the way.

Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General

Secondary Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Reference

Language: English


Word Count: 24294

Sales info:

#3,262,975 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

#18420 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Parenting & Relationships > Parenting
#53712 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Parenting

Sample text:

To some of you young parents out there reading this book, just to let you know, it may not be a help guide for you but you could take in mind the things you may come across while raising your child or, if brave enough to go for more, your children. Don’t get me wrong, having children is the best experience that any human being can go through, whether they are given to you naturally or through adoption. A child can be one of the things that makes a person’s world complete.  Some may say I’m not a professional but you don’t need a doctorate degree to be a professional parent. We, who have held the child in our body for nine months, (hopefully), we are the professionals because every child is different. Not one the same, even twins. I will give you real-life experiences and hopefully, get most of what can happen through the life-time of raising your child in this book. If I have missed something, then I will apologize now and be thankful that it didn’t happen to me. I will also tell you this now and you can write it down if you like. IT IS OK TO ASK QUESTIONS. We may be professionals at it as we go on each step of the way but there will always be doubt, so ask away. It is the only way to get better at it. So if you want to continue reading, be my guest and I hope you enjoy this book. To all you other already parents, I’m sure that you will laugh and say, “Oh yes that has happened to me” and then laugh some more while turning the pages.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Lisa Schwartz
Already translated. Translated by alessia cani
Author review:
Very enjoyable to work with the translator
Already translated. Translated by Amanda Nascimento
Already translated. Translated by Leonor Zimerman

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