SUPER SCIENCE by Rodney Bartlett

Intuitions of the Future's Super-science

Look! Up in the bookshelf! Is it science? Is it science-fiction? No, it's Super Science!

Super science

Look! Up in the bookshelf! Is it science? Is it science-fiction? No, it's Super Science: strange visitor from the future who can be everywhere in the universe and everywhen in time, can change the world in a single bound and who - disguised as a mild mannered author - fights for truth, justice and the super-scientific way.  Though I put a lot of hard work into this book, I can't take all the credit. I believe that the whole universe - everything on Earth and in space plus everything in the past, present, and future - is entangled and unified. Everybody is part of this unity, so anybody could have written the ideas in this book. It turned out to be me simply because I've got intense curiosity about the book's contents, enough persistence and imagination to combine science with topics like religion and philosophy, and enough spare time to assemble all the pre-existing pieces in space and time (my contribution to the book is like putting together the pieces of a big jigsaw puzzle).

This book, with its vast collection of scientific fact and study results, presents some fascinating theories and is an expansive journey through my research. The topic will appeal to the science-minded reader who is open to speculating on how conditions may evolve in the future, perhaps questioning the very foundations of our place in the universe. This book is not written as a single story but is a collection of writings which, besides science-oriented articles, include the NASA-inspired science-fiction story “Time Trek to Artemis”, a thousand-word note near the end presenting ideas about the technology and science behind future mind-reading and movement of objects purely by thought, as well as one sci fi poem called “Four Faces of Kal”. Each of the articles in this book is presented as a research paper. There's the abstract, the introduction, the keywords, the body of the work divided into sections, and a reference section. Though this might turn some readers off, I'm a member of ResearchGate, a community of researchers. So it isn't surprising that I've presented this book this way. Each article is meant to be self-contained and well explained in plain English. As a result, some explanations appear in several of the articles.

Please be patient when you encounter jargon and mathematics - I've tried to keep these to a minimum but they're bound to put in an appearance in a book that's largely about science (and I have compiled an enormous amount of intricate research for this project, hopefully impressing with the organization). Quotes from a range of scientists and icons in the industry should add further fascination to the descriptions, inspiring the reader into more of an openness to speculating on the distant future. There's a lot to absorb here but understanding the future . . .  It Don't Come Easy (just ask the Beatles’ Ringo Starr who once had a vision that he was an alien living on another planet in the future).

Genre: SCIENCE / General

Secondary Genre: MATHEMATICS / Essays

Language: English

Keywords: science, physics, cosmology, biology, computer science, mathematics, geometry, topology, electromagnetism, gravitation, other dimensions, dark matter, dark energy, faster-than-light travel, time travel, quantum mechanics, particle physics, life after death, eternal life, static universe, infinite cosmos, eternal universe, electronics, science fiction, artemis, brain, mind, virtual reality, augmented reality, Moon, space, time, Riemann hypothesis, Wick rotation, General Relativity, Special Relativity, Albert Einstein, black holes

Word Count: 91,000 words

Sample text:

Riemann Hypothesis and Wick Rotation Support Time Travel into the Past and Future


I was lying on my bed one really hot afternoon when I started thinking about how time travel could actually be done. The idea flashed into my head that rotation of the x- and y-axes in Wick rotation might be the key. At first, this was dismissed as being too obvious and too simple. It was recalled that my concept a few years ago that time is nothing more or less than Wick rotation initially seemed too simple. But the years between then and now have vastly strengthened my conviction it must be so – by, for example, giving plausible explanations of dark matter, dark energy, and other dimensions. So it was decided to explore the possibility that Wick rotation accounts for time travel …  and this is what I came up with –


In forwards time travel (the familiar kind), the x-axis and y-axis rotate in the counter-clockwise direction. Compare Wick rotation to a DVD that has no end. The future destination is reached by tensor calculus changing the present coordinates to ones in the future. To use a simple example confined to two dimensions: -1,+ i  becomes +1, -i. This is interdimensional travel since it incorporates both the time and space elements of the time-space unity i.e. Wick rotation as a subroutine built into the Mobius strips and doublets composing space and mass. Starting the rotation of the gravitational and electromagnetic waves on the x- and y-axes isn’t necessary since the process is natural and already built into the universe. It’s like the natural spins and orbits of electrons or planets – and is responsible for production of mass from energy on the x-axis as well as production of dark matter from dark energy on the y-axis.  

Book translation status:

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Translation in progress. Translated by Natan Freitas

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