Submissive Musings (in mainland China) - Vol #1 by Mike Watson

The allure of a lady’s bare soles, along with that “look in the eye”...

Findom themed musings in China (all true!) - Volume one.

Submissive musings (in mainland china) - vol #1

This is the first in a series of monthly (or perhaps bi-weekly - we'll see) femdom themed newsletter from Mike Watson. I've been writing femdom based novellas for a while now, but figured NOW was the time to "open up a bit more" about all the experiences I've detailed in my novellas.

As I state in my books, it's usually "reality mixed in with the right dash of creative license" that not only works best, but is what keeps it real as well. These newsletters are being written in that same vein.

Each of them will have a central "heroine" - - and the newsletter centers around the lovely "Madam" Pearl this month, a lady I was fortunate enough to interact with a few years ago. Mike Watson readers will enjoy this - and who knows - even if you haven't read my books thus far - you might just enjoy it as well!

Best, Mike Watson

Genre: FICTION / Erotica / BDSM

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Erotica

Language: English

Keywords: femdom , findom, dominant chinese women, findom in china, chinese female domination, female domination, female superiority

Word Count: 10384

Sales info:

Going great guns on Amazon and my own website.

Sample text:

This is the first in a series of many “musings” mixed in with observations and experiences from a personal standpoint. I’ve been involved in femdom for many years now, and none more so than with ladies from mainland China, who’ll play a regular, if not almost “constant” part in the series of writings to come, and with good reason.

Those that are regular Mike Watson readers know no doubt by now my strong preference for femdom in terms of BDSM. Those “in the know” also know of my various writings and musings on the issue, but it’s the first time that I’m considering putting out a monthly (or perhaps bi- weekly) “newsletter” of sorts on it.

Anyhow, for those “not in the know” my website at should provide you with a fair glimpse of who I am in terms of BDSM, and what “qualifies” me to write about the topic that I am writing about now, and that I’ve written about for years on end now.

These musings will no doubt of interest to the male submissive, especially those with a strong foot fetish - -and who knows, perhaps just about anyone curious to learn about the male submissive psyche.

One main features of this newsletter will be a female “heroine” of sorts, a lady around whom I’ll “base” the discussions on, and who I’ve had actual experience with. My 15 years in mainland China (and then in other nations both prior and after that) have provided me with plenty of experiences in this regard which I now feel compelled to share with you, and why?

Some of the ladies will also be mentioned in my other stories (the novellas) but I’m going to go more in depth into the “real” events that occurred as opposed to what I do in my novellas i.e. reality mixed in with the right dabs of fantasy and ..

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Paula Banda Rendón
Author review:
Awesome work again by Paula - thanks!
Already translated. Translated by Paula Banda Rendón
Author review:
I dont mean to "gush lyrical" - or wax lyrical - but I have to- Paula did an awesome job yet again!
Already translated. Translated by Paula Banda Rendón
Author review:
Great job by Paula on the book! Not only did she keep the formatting, line breaks etc exactly "as is" as in the original doc as I requested her, but she kept the overall tone and "tenor" of the translation exactly the same too. Great work, and I'd recommend her for others requiring translations as well!
Already translated. Translated by Paula Banda Rendón

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
