Stealing a Rogue's Kiss by Amanda Mariel

How could either of them have guessed where one stolen moment would lead?

Stealing a rogue's kiss

A determined wallflower… 
Lady Daphne Rosamond never thought of herself as missing out. She believes that love will find her when the time is right. That is until she visits a fortune teller. Now she is determined to create her own future. 

An unapologetic rogue…. 
Marcus Wentworth, Earl of Clarendon, is out for life's sinful pleasures. He’s made a name for himself charming the skirts off of every willing woman he encounters, and offers no apologies. What’s more, he has no plans for settling down. 

A twist of fate…. 
Determined not to grow old alone, Daphne takes fate into her own hands. Marcus made her a promise years ago, and she's ready for him to make good on it. He would give Daphne her first kiss once she was of an appropriate age. Not one to turn down a beautiful woman, he delivers on the promise. One passionate moment that neither will soon forget, but how could either of them have guessed where one stolen moment would lead?

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Regency

Language: English

Keywords: Regency, Holiday, Historical Romance, Saga, Christmas, Regency Rogue

Word Count: 18k

Sales info:

Stealing a Rogue's Kiss released Nov 6th in the US market and hit several Amazon top 100 bestseller lists that week. Sales remain strong and I expect the trend to continue. I work very hard to market my bvooks through social media, my newsletter, author events and signings, blogs, and paid marketing.

Sample text:

One, two, three, four…Lady Daphne Rosamond counted her steps as she paced the length of the lady's retiring room at the Hawthorn ball. She should be in the ballroom. Gentlemen should be paying her attention. She should be dancing and flirting. Three seasons, for three long tedious seasons Daphne had sat on the sidelines hoping and praying that some worthy gentleman would take notice.

“There you are. I’ve been searching for you.” Daphne’s cousin, Lady Natalie St. Vela strolled into the room with Miss Lulia Vasile at her side. Natalie paused, drawing her brows together as she studied Daphne. “Is something the matter?”

“No…yes…I don’t know,” Daphne stuttered, attempting to collect her thoughts.

Natalie narrowed her gaze.

Daphne’s cheeks warmed under her cousin’s scrutiny. “I’ve grown weary of sitting on the sidelines. Perhaps it is time I accept my fate and give in to being an old maid.”

Lulia drew closer, her violet eyes skeptical. “How do you know such a fate awaits you?”

Daphne waved her hands over her body. “Look at me. I’m plump and shy; not at all the type of woman that gentlemen take notice of. In my three seasons, I’ve only danced a handful of times. No-one has ever come to call, let alone court me.”

“Oh Daphne,” Natalie rested a hand on her shoulder, “you are lovely. Any gentleman would be lucky to have you. Do not be so hard on yourself.”

Daphne closed her eyes fighting back tears. How she wished Natalie’s words were true, but they unequivocally were not. Daphne possessed and a kind and reserved nature, but she lacked all of the other qualities a man looked for in a wife.

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