Speed Reading: Tips and Techniques to Double or Triple Your Reading Speed by Toshio Morris

(36) Tips and Techniques to Double or Triple Your Reading Speed

Speed reading: tips and techniques to double or triple your reading speed


Reading is one of the most important skills to become successful in life, and the purpose of this book is to guide you about speed reading. The book contains a comprehensive introduction of speed reading, its benefits, myths, techniques, tips and tricks for the guidance of beginners. Speed reading is an important skill and after reading this book, you will be able to evaluate your actual reading speed and improve it with the help of given practice.

This is a skill you want to know to acquire more advanced persuasion skills. This is followed by learning about deception and what you can do to improve your skills and utilize this persuasion technique to your advantage.

In every walk of life, at home, work place, market place or school, reading what is written plays a vital role in our decision making. Recognizing words and their hidden meanings is one of the key factors, particularly in the business world, helping us to communicate effectively on daily basis. However, to learn what is written is not enough.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 4834

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Sample text:

When you were a child, learning to read was a great adventure. You just couldn’t wait to see what everyone else knew and was very curious of the unknown As you get older, things tend to get more hectic and reading for pleasure can often be left by the wayside as more important things come into play. But, even if you think that you can’t find time in your life to read for the fun of it, you still have to read your way through news stories, online content, perhaps business proposals and what can seem like an endless stream of emails. Imagine how much more productive your life could be and how much more time you could have for yourself and for your family, if you could just read all of these things in half the time or less!

Studies show that adults tend to read an average of about 250 words per minute, where college students read at a slightly faster rate of about 300 words per minute. Researchers believe that this is because students generally have to dedicate about 4-5 hours a day to reading the materials for their studies, while as we get older and graduate into the working world, it isn’t as necessary. However, even with the additional time spent in the practice of reading, 50 words per minute difference isn’t really a huge increase, so it isn’t just an increase in time spent that can increase your productivity.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Luis Garavello

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