Speed Reading: The Extensive Guide to Accelerate Your Reading Speed by Sebastian James

(5) The Extensive Guide to Accelerate Your Reading Speed

Speed reading: the extensive guide to accelerate your reading speed


The ability to continuously grow is an essential skill for people of all ages. The human brain is naturally designed to learn. Patterns help the mind see concepts and connections between what you are learning and how you can use it. The mind will likely recall the pattern rather than the lesson fundamentals.  

You will find, as you read on, a growing awareness of the dangers of distraction and mindlessness. Focus is a possibility, and instant focus even more so. Although it is more commonly associated with athletes and soldiers, anyone can train their minds to focus immediately and at will. This book is a well-researched material, written in simple terms for your enlightenment. 

No matter how shy you are, no matter if you often feel yourself as a loser while negotiating, no matter if people don’t bother to listen to what you have to offer, you too can learn the art of manipulating (without exploiting) others and get what you want.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 29024

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Sample text:

The next obstacle is known as regression. Regression refers to repeating a word or going back to look at a word again. This is mostly done because we will not know what the word means and will want to read it again. Sometimes you will understand what the word mean and other times you won’t. Many times you will think you know the word but will actually think of the wrong meaning. All of these things will end up slowing you down and literally wasting your reading time. Regression is a very common aspect and is prevalent amongst several readers. Many people do not actually realize that they are indulging in regression and will keep indulging in it. Only if you pay attention to it keenly will you be able to identify and tackle it.

How to fix it

You have to start by identifying this problem in you. You should read a paragraph that has a few complex words and see if you stop at certain words. You have to see how many words you stop at and for how long. So, you have to consciously stop yourself from indulging in regression. You have to try your best to not stop at any of the words and keep reading on. If at any time you do feel tempted to stop then control your urge and tell yourself that you can always return back to that word. You have to develop the habit of making a mental image of the word and then come back to it later. This will take a little practice but you will surely get better with time. So try to remain as alert as possible the next time you speed read and pick out the tough words individually.

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