Speed Reading: The Complete Guide to Read and Understand Faster by Charles Gale

(44) The Complete Guide to Read and Understand Faster

Speed reading: the complete guide to read and understand faster


The monotonous work, lack of new faces, impressions and sensations, stress and emotions lead to the fact that the brain could just be turned off. The less we give it the opportunities for development, the faster it loses its efficiency. However, it is a reversible process, and it can be returned to its full functionality, sharpness and clarity as much as possible. Your brain needs exercise!

Because your brain and eyes are more powerful than you think, he also describes more advanced reading techniques that are simple and efficient but require practice and perseverance. These techniques will eliminate old reading habits and significantly increase your speed and enjoyment of reading.
The author also provides simple tricks on how to improve comprehension, along with advice about how to highlight, take notes, and mind map.

This is a down to earth text where you will find things to practice in everyday life that are simple and effective. In addition to these reading and analysis practices, you’ll also learn about the obstacles that come up when you are interacting with others. These include biases, cultural and personal prejudices, and a misunderstanding of your own psychology.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 3848

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Sample text:

Speed reading is the ability to use several techniques in order to improve your ability to read quickly. Speed reading uses methods that include minimizing subvocalization and chunking. In order to learn to speed read you will need tools such as training programs, videos, software, seminars, and even books such as this one.

 Educational specialists that work on visual acuity are able to use a tachistoscope to conclude how an average person can identify minute images that are flashed on a screen, which last for only five-hundredths of a second. Despite the fact that the images used in this test were of airplanes, it was found that the results were implications for reading.

However, it wasn’t until the fifties that a device that was reliable, portable, and even convenient in order to help increase reading speed was invented. Evelyn Wood, a schoolteacher as well as a researcher, made a commitment to understand why it was somewhat natural for some people to read faster while others had to force themselves to read at a quick pace.

In 1958, brushing off the pages of a book that Woods had given up on, she then discovered that the sweeping motion of her hand across the pages caught her attention and helped them to move smoothly across the pages.

Book translation status:

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Already translated. Translated by Carlos Batista

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