Speed Reading: The Best Proven Methods on Tripling Your Reading Speed to Simple Strategies by Michael Berkowitz

(131) The Best Proven Methods on Tripling Your Reading Speed to Simple Strategies

Speed reading:  the best proven methods on tripling your reading speed to simple strategies


This book will improve your reading skills and take you out of the hole of  words per minute, and climb you up to the  words per minute category. Not only will it help develop speed and clarity, but indirectly, it will help taking out the extra amoount of time you could consume with your family.

It might seem impossible with what the traditional notions of discipline that are always associated with austerity. But the truth is, anyone can learn it. This boxset is developed precisely to help the average person build a life-long habit of discipline.

When it comes to self-education, there are several ways to do so in the modern era, from our age old printed books to e-materials on the internet. Reading is inevitable, but the question is: Do you enjoy reading? There is no guarantee that you do, but there are ways of dealing with reading efficiently and thus drawing satisfaction from it. If you enjoy it, then that's a bonus. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 6931

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Did you know that 85% of all information is obtained through reading? Even the persons that don’t have a habit of reading books are constantly required to read in their everyday life. Newspapers, various leaflets and instructions, subtitles – an average person is constantly required to read various texts.



2. In the recent years, the amount of available knowledge has grown by 30% every year.  The best way to advance your private life and career is to read new and current books.  


Self-improvement and collection of new information through everyday reading are preconditions for improvement. A person who doesn’t spend at least an hour a day on personal improvement and acquiring new skills can’t expect to have any success in private or professional life. The aim of this book, besides teaching about speed reading techniques, is to help you gain a habit of spending at least one hour a day on reading useful literature.


3. It’s a little-known fact that even the most prestigious universities teach their students the speed reading techniques. Some of these universities include:  Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, New York University, Fordham, Stanford. Such renowned institutions have over time became aware of the importance of speed reading, 

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