Speed Reading: Increase Reading Speed to Improve Memory and Productivity by Stefan Olsen

(66) Increase Reading Speed to Improve Memory and Productivity

Speed reading: increase reading speed to improve memory and productivity


I believe you have within you the ability to read many thousands of words per minute and comprehend it all! There is no limit to how fast you can read or how much you can comprehend and understand of what you read. Using my method you should see a substantial rise in both reading speed and comprehension.

The Speed Reading Skills Hypnosis session will help you quickly and confidently breeze through any text in just minutes! This program begins by discussing some techniques you can use to quickly master speed reading - such as stopping subvocalization.

Speed learning secrets is what they don't teach you at school.
This book will show you how to learn and how to remember more by teaching you how to use your whole brain.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 15027

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Sample text:

While you read a line from your personal reading material, there is a huge probability that you are training your eyes on that one word you are currently reading. This point is your primary focus. 

However, it is important to recognize that your eyes are able to focus on a much wider area than you previously thought. This whole area at some distance from the left and right of your primary focus is your “field of focus,” also called the “perception span” and “peripheral view.” 

Listed below are five (5) quick and easy steps on the proven method of reading words as a group for speed reading a material:

 To find out how wide your field of focus is, consider reading three paragraphs from your personal reading material and count the words per line. Make sure that the number of words per line is different. Take note of the number of words in your personal notebook.

 If you cannot help but move your eyes while reading a line from a paragraph, then that area is not within your field of focus. 

 The field of focus is a measure of distance and if you encounter a relatively unusually long word, this field will narrow, in a way, and enclose only that particular word, maybe also two or three surrounding words as well, depending on your current speed reading ability. 

 The words are in your field of focus if you do not have to move your eyes around just to read them. 

 You should now take note of the paragraph or line that you can read as a group rather than individually or word for word.

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Already translated. Translated by Alberth Serrano

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